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A work in progress....


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Cool 8) :thumbsup:


Does it highlight changed contents (registers, flag, variables)?


And it would be extra-cool, if you could keep track of the TIA register contents and results (e.g. x-positions) too.


BTW: Where do the comments come from? It would be ultra-extra- cool if you could include DASM symbol files.

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Well, it doesn`t highlight changed variables _yet_, but that shouldn`t be hard to do.


It does keep track of the TIA registers, yes, but it doesn`t display them yet. I've got a logging facility which outputs a debug log exactly the same as Z26's z26.log facility (the -t option). It helps me to debug my 6502 core!


It gets the variable names from the source file if you load one in, or you can type them in yourself (i.e. assign "ShipX" to the location $80 so the disassembly shows "ShipX" instead of $80 where necessary). That helps when you dump the source as of course it keeps the variable names. I`ll have a look at the DASM symbol info file, though.. good idea!


There's a fair few things to work on with it at the moment (not least the speed! - it's a cycle-based emulator as I want to use this for developing where preciseness is important!) but any ideas like this very welcome! I`m hoping to do things like "Compile and continue" functions, i.e. modifying the code while it's running, that kind of thing... as well as instruction timing of blocks for tight loops and stuff. I`m partly writing it for anyone wanting to hack up ROMs, partly for homebrewers and partly for me - I find that writing an emulator of a machine is a wonderful way of getting to know the hardware!

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When I`m happy with it. :)


At the moment there are still some things missing in the CPU core (not least - *speed* - runs at 60fps (capped) on a 1.4GHz Athlon but probably requires not much less than that), plus I need to add little GUI things like not hardcoding the ROM that's loaded, that sort of thing, and debugging bits like the Source loading, as well as the re-assembling etc. Plus there's no sound. :) I also want compatibilty to be higher, and more bankswitching methods (only 3F and F8 so far). Pitfall II is *right* out. :)


Oh, in case anyone's in doubt, I`ll stick it out in the public domain with source. I've written it using SDL for portability but there's absolutely no reason why someone couldn`t mod it for Windows, MacOS, AmigaOS etc. as I've abstracted all the GUI code. It's all ANSI C++. :)

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