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Povlok1's A/V mod - Tigger's 1st hand review...


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Hmmm... How to start this... I don't want to make it seem like I'm making him out to be some sort of "Mod God" - but, to be honest, I don't know how else to put it.

I think this is an important issue, so that is why I started a separate topic, so that it wouldn't get lost in the other mod threads.

Now, please keep in mind that I HAVE NOT seen the results of any other mod, so I have nothing to compare it to, but I have owned and/or played many, many atari units thru the years, and this modded unit has IMHO, THE BEST PICTURE I have EVER seen from ANY Atari unit, HANDS DOWN!

I actually would have written this review several hours ago, but I've just glanced at the clock and realized I've been playing Atari for the last 3 hours straight. I had a huge line of carts sitting in front of me - whilst thinking "Can't wait to see what THIS one looks like... can't wait to see what THIS one looks like..."

So, here, in short, is the story of how I came to own this particular unit, and the day at Povlok1's (Jeff)...

Upon emailing him, I discovered that NOT ONLY does he live in the next town over - he lives RIGHT DOWN the street from an old girlfriend - with whom I was going to lunch today - so - perfect chance for me to drop in, and pick up the Atari...

Made it to his house - got a warm greeting from the Keishound - and stepped into "the room". Now, for those of you who have seen the "WALL OF ATARI CONSOLES" pictures... well, those pictures don't quite do that room justice. I think I have been speechless about 4-5 times in my life... (the last time involving a very beautiful, wonderful woman - but we won't go into that)... and well, this was one of them. Not quite as fun as that time with that beautiful woman, but close.

I have never seen 110+ atari units in my life, much less within a 5 ft space of eachother.

So, after regaining the ability to breathe, Jeff showed me exactly what he does with each one of the units, how he takes each one apart, cleans it, and mods it. I just nodded my head thru most of this, saying "uh-huh" at appropriate times, and attempted to look like I understood what he was talking about, lest my testosterone levels be questioned.

This is what I gathered...

1. The Atari is made of many small parts

2. I know dick about these small parts

3. But Jeff knows what he is talking about

4. And uses big words

5. From the before and after examples, these things are VERY clean

6. I could eat off of them

7. But I won't

8. The outside casings looks brand new

9. I had the pleasure of opening up a new boxed atari with a friend this past year, and honest to God, it looked just like the one I got from Jeff

10. If you look into the crevasses of the boards, you see no dust or dirt

11. The picture is crystal clear - on my regular t.v., AND on my 51' HDTV

12. It's the first time I've seen the colors on these games as they were intended

13. He's a really cool guy



So, there's my report. I realize it's not too technical... Just giving an opinion from an average joe.

Now, normally, I don't think I'd write such a long post about something like this, but I have a lot of respect for what Jeff is doing - for two reasons...

First off, he's saving a whole lotta units from an early grave, and turning them into something that people will treasure - and, of course, it's keeping the legacy of Atari alive...

Secondly, on a personal level, I'm impressed at his "leap of faith" by dropping most everything, and concentrating on something that he likes to (and seems made to) do.

Anytime someone in this world makes the leap into skilled free enterprise, I'm ALL for it. It keeps uniqueness alive.

Listening to him talk, I was amazed at how proud he was to say that he spends 3 hours on each unit... That's a whole lotta dedication. Now me, well, 10 minutes into it, I'd be looking to poke people's eyes out with that sodering iron - and that's o.k.

I am TOTALLY enjoying the end product of his hard work, and that is what matters.

I'm sure a number of folks might find Shakespeare a royal pain in the arse, but I love it...

So, there's the report.

Try one, I think you'll like it!


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  • 5 months later...

Just got my modded 4-switcher from Povlok1, and let me tell you, it is indeed a thing of beaty - both in terms of physical condition (clean clean clean!) and the picture it puts out.


I had been playing on a regular RF with Coax-adapter plug on my 46-inch HD monitor and the picture just plain sucked. This thing puts out a crisp, clear and beautiful image. Sure makes Adventure a lot more fun!


Anyway - consider this 100% positive feedback. If any of you are thinking of buying one of his modded units, don't hesitate.

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Does povlok1 do this for a price?


I wish I could afford to have someone modify one of my 4 switchers for A/V.

I do, but it will have to wait a few weeks, im SOO backed up right now, I have a unit sitting here from bond007 that has been here way too long already (sorry bond) and another that was moded 'poorley' by someone else that has been sitting on the self for a while that I have to fix.. seems people really like atari these days;) I hope to be caught up in about 2 weeks, you will know because I will be selling atari on ebay again once caught up with everyone;) so those waiting,, I do apologize but I have not forgotten about you.. tnks all:)

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