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Activision Anthology Commercials


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Is it possible to watch these commericals outside of the game? I'd like to add some to my collection and replace others that may not have quite as decent quality.


I can open them in Media Player, but all I get is the audio. Presuming I may need a video codec for it, I searched, but all I keep finding are file extension pages. :(



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I have no idea what format the files are in, I don't have a copy of the Anthology. But if they are .avi format, try getting the Gspot codec utility.

It's free from the web. It will allow you to find out what codec(s) are needed by the video file. I don't know if it works with things other .avi, but if not I'm sure there are similar utils out there for other file formats.



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Yes, I know I'm probably missing the codec. The files have a cm extension. The only thing I can find is that it's called "Craftman Datafile"?


I check out the utility to see what I can find.


To those wondering where they are at....


Presuming you followed the default install and to your c drive...

They would be found in:

C:Program FilesMumboJumboActivision Anthology Remix Editionaavis



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