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Which Swordquest game is the best?

Room 34

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In order of preference:


- Jumping naked into a swimming pool filled with double edged razor blades

- Pouring salt into my eyes

- Eating broken glass

- Waterworld

- Earthworld

- Fireworld





So... all distractions aside, you're telling me Fireworld is actually WORSE than Earthworld?

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Haven't been exposed to Waterworld, but I would have to agree than

Fireworld is (if possible) a little worse that Earthworld. If you ignore

all the items and the ridiculous quest, each game is a collection of

mediocre to poor minigames, but I guess the Earthworld games held

my interest a little better than Fireworld.


--The Eidolon

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Fireworld was unfortunately my first Swordquest game. I don't even remember how I acquired it.. (Did I get it as a Birthday present? Christmas? I dunno). But PEEWWW. I totally didn't understand a thing that was going on.. the mini games totally made no sense whatsoever.


Anyway, flashback 20 years later and I try out Earthworld. It seems a lot more tighter! I think if I got Earthworld rather than Fireworld, my opinion of the series would be a lot better.. although of course not by much. But you get my point. Fireworld is the suckiest of the sucky :P

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This thread has gotten me thinking as to why the Swordquest games

were so unsatisfying. The whole point of the mini-games seemed to

be to endure a certain (short) length of time and then gain access to

a room where there is nothing to do except pick up one or two funny

shaped icons that don't do anything. Some reward.


If the mini-games had had a score and increasing difficulty so that

you could play them like a regular Atari game rather than just

endure them for a minute or so, some of them might have been

challenging enough to be worth playing for their own sake for a

bit. Not great, but I think it could have been a big improvement.

Any score over some number (survive x seconds, earn y points)

would let you enter the room.


--The Eidolon

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well im not a hater like you guys. i sure dont -really like- or even close to -love- the swordquest games, but i think they are at least O.K. and the most O.K. of them in gameplay terms, is Waterworld imho, with earthworld second and fireworld last.

Yeah, but you like Star Ship, so how much credence should we really give to your opinion?




(Just kidding.)


I think the main reason these games are so lame is that they're just a bunch of random stuff thrown together with all of the "quest" really happening in the comic books. C'mon... if you HAVE to use the comic books to make sense of everything, that's just bad game design.



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So... all distractions aside, you're telling me Fireworld is actually WORSE than Earthworld?


By a wide margin. Fireworld is not only UGLY to look at, but has some serious bugs in it. It's almost as if the game was a late beta rather than an actual release. Not to mention that the mini games are insanely difficult.



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It seems like a trend going on..... Tod Frye did Pacman and it sucked. And Todd Frye did Fireworld and it sucked.... The only game that he did that was anywhere close to being decent is the Save Mary prototype. If you have ever watched once upon atari, you would know that Todd Frye was a big Pothead, maybe that had something to do with it.

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Many of the Atari guys were pot heads so you can't blame the weed. Tod Frye had a good thing going with his Xevious translation at least.


The similarity between Swordquest and Pac-Man lies within the Atari marketing department. They figured that their idiot kid fans would buy anything. How could any reasonable person think that the Swordquest games would be hits? The contest was supposed to sell it. Kids wised up and turned to their C-64s and later the NES.

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Or their parents wouldn't buy them an Atari that would "only play games" and bought them a Commodore.. which they proceeded to use to play games ANYWAY. :lolblue: I have to admit though the first time I played Pac-Man on my C-64 I thought damn.. why did I ever want an Atari this is SO much better. :D Little did I know how I'd feel 20 years later.

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well im not a hater like you guys. i sure dont -really like- or even close to -love- the swordquest games, but i think they are at least O.K. and the most O.K. of them in gameplay terms, is Waterworld imho, with earthworld second and fireworld last.

Yeah, but you like Star Ship, so how much credence should we really give to your opinion?




(Just kidding.)


I think the main reason these games are so lame is that they're just a bunch of random stuff thrown together with all of the "quest" really happening in the comic books. C'mon... if you HAVE to use the comic books to make sense of everything, that's just bad game design.




man, are you guys EVER going to let me live down my love for star ship? you buncha haters :D


well, using the comics to make sense of the game wasn't bad game design, since that was part of and the point of the game. That's like being mad at quest for the rings or conquest of the world for using their board game elements. You can, of course legtimately think that the whole 'comic+video game' amalgam sucks. but it's not a game design issue :P I thought it was o.k.

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Or their parents wouldn't buy them an Atari that would "only play games" and bought them a Commodore.. which they proceeded to use to play games ANYWAY. :lolblue:  I have to admit though the first time I played Pac-Man on my C-64 I thought damn.. why did I ever want an Atari this is SO much better. :D  Little did I know how I'd feel 20 years later.


You and I seem to have lived the exact same life, our parents should meet :D


Apart from being interesting carts to collect with a cool story surrounding

them. The games are dogpiles :woozy:

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