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Honker Bonker Mystery Solved


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After some careful research I believe I have finally solved the mystery of the unreleased 2600 game called Honker Bonker. It turns out that Honker Bonker is none other than... (wait for it)... Holey Moley!


When you sit and think about it, it actually makes alot of sense. Both games were to have been done by Bob Polaro, Honker Bonker has a part number while Holey Moley doesn't, and the name Honker BONKER fits Holey Moley's theme perfectly. Even the part number makes sense, CX26130 puts it right smack dab in the middle of some other Children's Controller games (such as Monstercise and Peek-A-Boo). Atari must have decided on a name change shortly before the game was to be released (like Hot Rox becoming Demons to Diamonds).


One more prototype mystery solved...



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