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Activision International Editions


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I'm new to the forums but not the site. I was looking for a way to ask a question to those in the know. I have some Activision games that say International Edition under the title of the game. At the bottom of the game it has 5 different languages on it. The english on says:

one player using the left joystick controller.

Can anyone give me some information on this? It would be greatly appreciated.

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Actvision, being the strange company that they are, distributed some titles to Canada and Europe as International Editions. Some have multi-lingual labels, some don't.


There's been some discussion about them in several topics in these forums, this one being one of the more posted in:




These labels are not very hard to come by, but are cool to have from a collector's standpoint.


This site has pictures of many of the International Edition labels:




Welcome to the site. :D

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I need to take back my offer from my earlier post. I got home from work and looked at my stuff. My memory is tuning to @$!%. I have an Internation Edition Pitfall, a frostbite in English/French (SECAM? It's not NTSC) and 3 PAL Atari carts: Dig Dug, Pole Position, Space Indvaders. If anybody wants them they are welcome. I'll trade them all for like 2 common NTSC carts.

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