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How many of you actively collect Homebrew and Hack carts?

Adrian M

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I'm looking to buy a few Homebrew, Hacked and Special carts from AA in the next few days.


How many of you actively collect these special games? Are they merely additions to your 2600 collection? Do you buy the ones you think you'll like? Or do you buy them all in order to support the amateur development scene?


Just curious. Discuss please!

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As of now, I don't own any homebrewn or hack cartridges. I have a list of my favorites queued into the Atariage Store's shopping cart. I am actively hunting for a VCS in relatively good condition (cosmetically as well as operational) before I finalize my Atariage purchase.


The homebrew, hack, and prototype scenes are, to me, what keeps me interested in Atari. I will always be a fan of the classics, but it isn't just because they are old games that I grew up with. My opinion is that because there isn't the fancy graphics and sounds effects to divert attention from crappy gameplay, the authors of Atari games have to extend greater effort to make a game interesting. Newer titles like Thrust, Qb, Oystron, etc succeed to be brilliantly fun without all of the extra hype (graphics, sound, 3d effects, etc) that the NextGen games use to hide a poor game design. These newer games provide everything that the older titles have including that "classic" feel. I pay very little attention to modern videogames. I've been burned on countless occasions when I have delt out my hard earned cash for a rehashed 3d Doom title with souped-up graphics but absolutely no play value. On the other hand, whenever I read of a new release on Atariage, it is Christmas morning all over.


Okay, thanks. :-)

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I don't know if "collect" is quite the right word but I sure buy 'em!


col·lect1 v. col·lect·ed, col·lect·ing, col·lects

v. tr.

To bring together in a group or mass; gather.

To accumulate as a hobby or for study.

To call for and obtain payment of: collect taxes.

To recover control of: collect one's emotions.

To call for (someone); pick up: collected the children and drove home.

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I intend to buy more... I really want to support the great work these guys are doing (both the developers AND AtariAge), but I just keep procrastinating.


Right now I own one homebrew (Synthcart) and two hacks (Pac-Man Arcade and Adventure Plus). I certainly want to get Thrust+, Star Fire, and Marble Craze though! (And others...)


Oh, and I will DEFINITELY buy Paul's Homestar RPG when it's done!

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Here are the homebrews I own. I recommend each one. All are well worth the purchase price.


Marble Craze

Thrust +





Space Treat Deluxe




I'm also looking forward to the completion of Climber 5.


Though I will add that I think Marble Craze is the second best game on the 2600 (H.E.R.O. being the first.) You can't try it out on an emulator because you use two paddles at once, so you'll have to take my word for it. It rocks.


If you won't take my word for it, how about Stan Jr.'s?



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As of now, I don't own any homebrewn or hack cartridges.  I have a list of my favorites queued into the Atariage Store's shopping cart.  I am actively hunting for a VCS in relatively good condition (cosmetically as well as operational) before I finalize my Atariage purchase.  


The homebrew, hack, and prototype scenes are, to me, what keeps me interested in Atari.  I will always be a fan of the classics, but it isn't just because they are old games that I grew up with.  My opinion is that because there isn't the fancy graphics and sounds effects to divert attention from crappy gameplay, the authors of Atari games have to extend greater effort to make a game interesting.  Newer titles like Thrust, Qb, Oystron, etc succeed to be brilliantly fun without all of the extra hype (graphics, sound, 3d effects, etc) that the NextGen games use to hide a poor game design.  These newer games provide everything that the older titles have including that "classic" feel.  I pay very little attention to modern videogames.  I've been burned on countless occasions when I have delt out my hard earned cash for a rehashed 3d Doom title with souped-up graphics but absolutely no play value.  On the other hand, whenever I read of a new release on Atariage, it is Christmas morning all over.  


Okay, thanks.  :-)


My thoughts exactly! Well stated my friend! :)

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I generally buy only the homebrews/hacks I think I'll play regularly and for the most part I've been extremely pleased with them. Not that I don't *want* them all, but their price is prohibitive to getting every single one, especially the reproductions like 3-D Rubik's Cube, RS Basketball and Snow White.


But I put them in the same category as any 2600 game I already have and in many cases the games themselves are BETTER than anything released during the 2600's original lifespan.

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Oh, I suppose I should state that I own MANY homebrews/hacks/repros, including:


Edtris 2600, SoundX, Oystron, Mondo Pong, INV, This Planet Sucks!, Okie Dokie, HozerQuest, Qb, Skeleton, Star Fire, Revenge of the Apes, Snow White, 3-D Rubik's Cube, Jammed!, Testcart, Space Instigators, Warring Worms, Thrust +, Marble Craze, Pac-Man Arcade, Space Treat Deluxe, Gunfight and Berzerk: Voice Enhanced. There may be more but that's all I can recall at the moment.

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I LOVE Homebrews and Hacks and buy them whenever I can (not often enough).


I only buy the stuff I think I am interested in, but pretty much ALL HB that come out are worth getting on some level. I'll only buy a hack if it totally impresses me or is unique in some way, but I love playing them on the emu and such.


In many ways HB and hacks are the blood that keeps the ol' VCS heart pumping!


Go get 'em Adrian! There is plenty to like. And my Marble Craze guarantee still stands! :)

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I wouldn't say I collect them as much as I enjoy playing them. I do have copies of most of the homebrews and hacks in our store, but then, I have a somewhat unfair advantage there. :) It's always fun playing new games on the 2600 (and other systems, for that matter) and I hope this is something I can partake in for a long time!



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The only one I have paid for out of the AtariAge store is Thrust+ and if you look at the contest page, you will see I am on my way to beating it. So if you want one of Thomas's Homebrews or hacks for free, get on that contest.


I have played the other ones (the ones under 6k) thru the supercharger, and I really enjoy SCSIscide (sp?)


It is almost like collecting games that are rare, since you are paying 20-35 dollars for each one. (But you still get mint condition box and manual every time too)

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Alright, there is probably something wrong with me but...


I have never bought or considered buying a homebrew game.



Also, I never intend on buying one. :P


That's just me.... I just have too many things that I want to get from the "original" Atari lineup. Whether it be for the computer, the 2600, 5200, 7800 or Jaguar.....I would just rather apply my "atari money" towards these interests.


I guess I am weird. :ahoy:

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I guess I am weird.   :ahoy:


Not at all. We all have a different set of philosophies we adhere to when collecting Atari games. Some have their priorities set on amassing as large of a collection of original games as possible. Others want mint/complete games. Then others just want a large mix of old and new product.


Homebrew and hack collecting isn't for everyone. The prices can be somewhat prohibitive (when compared to the fact that many common 2600 carts can sometimes be purchased for less than $5 each) or the particular gamer may just not have an interest in something programmed by amateur programmers. Neither of these views or philosophies is wrong, we're all different! ;)


The responses so far have been interesting.

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Alright, there is probably something wrong with me but...


I have never bought or considered buying a homebrew game.



Also, I never intend on buying one.   :P  


That's just me....  I just have too many things that I want to get from the "original" Atari lineup.  Whether it be for the computer, the 2600, 5200, 7800 or Jaguar.....I would just rather apply my "atari money" towards these interests.


I guess I am weird.   :ahoy:


You may say that now... and you may BELIEVE it now... but someday your opinion may change. I am amazed how my interests in this hobby change over time.

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You may say that now... and you may BELIEVE it now... but someday your opinion may change. I am amazed how my interests in this hobby change over time.



I agree with you totally! Seriously, I feel different all the time with my collection. Someday, I may collect homebrew games as well. For example, just recently I parted with my entire LYNX collection. I don't know why I started it in the first place but lost interest very quickly.....



actually, I never even had a Lynx system. I am weird for the most part. 8)



However, I do collect just about anything Atari right now......except the Lynx for some reason.

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I have had a few cases where I owned carts for the systems BEFORE I owned the system itself. I guess it was just impetus to buy the system!


When I was in high school I bought a few CDs before my family actually owned a CD player, too! This seems to be a habit with me....

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I concentrate more on the quality and playability of a game before I buy it. The only game I paid a lot for that I really don't play is Waterworld, but I would rather collect games that I enjoy playing.  


Maybe I am wierd :P


Yes, you are weird so send me your Waterworld for a discount price since the game itself sucks! 8)



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I would certainly collect Homebrew/hacks/reproductions....if I wasn't so poor.


If I ever get a job again, then that will probably be my first big thing. Go all psycho, kid in candystore style snagging everything I can.


But till then, when I get a little money, I go to the Atari Age store and hunt down the wishlist of games I so want to get.


I do try to get the ones I think I'll enjoy most first. But I only have five games right now.


Skeleton, kick arse FPS game, for 2600. Actually, my First Homebrew cart. I still want Skeleton+ and that's definately going to be the next game I'm after, but It's been forever since I've had any money to put into anything beyond bills.


Venture II, liked the first, and the obsticles kicked up the difficulty, I play this one a lot more than the original now.


BerZerk VE, I always loved the original, so I just had to get this one. It's got talking, lots of it. Hell, that would be pretty complex for NES games back then. And it really adds something to the game play.


Combat Rock, curiosoty more than anything. Still the same great combat game, with a cool soundtrack to it now. Look forward to more 'Rock' translations of games.


Test Cart...Ok, I didn't want it for a game, but it turns out to have one of my favorite Atari soundtracks on it. And it's great for checking out the billion or so partialy dead controllers/consoles I have around here. Yeah, the Light box worked fine for keypad and joystic, but wouldn't test paddles, this tests everything. Great atari lovers aid.

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When I was in high school I bought a few CDs before my family actually owned a CD player, too! This seems to be a habit with me....


Heh. I'm a big Elton John fan and in 1985 I was shopping in Sam Goody's and I came across an Elton John import CD called Love Songs. Now I didn't have a CD player at the time but I told myself that I will have one one day and I may never see this disc again as it was an import. So I bought the CD. The next day I said to myself, well I have a CD, now I need something to play it on so I went out and bought a cheap CD player.


This scene repeated approximately 15 years later. I came across a Japanese Elton John DVD (thankfully there was no regional lockout then) and I said myself that I will have a DVD player one day but I may never see this DVD again. So I bought the DVD (although it took a little longer to buy the cheap DVD player). By the way, the name of the DVD was also Love Songs.

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