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Light Gun games???


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Who here has any of them? And how good are they? I finally have one (gun) coming (via ebay of course) and wonder which ones are good?

And in the event they all suck, which one(s) suck the least?

I already have Crossbow on the way....I bought that before I knew I would win the light gun since it can be played with the joystick. I can't wait, I actually used to enjoy playing Duck Hunt on the NES when I had mine.

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Sentinel on Atari 2600 - neat graphics, and pretty fun too. I too just bought a zapper off of ebay. I like the zapper games... one of my favorites on the NES is Barker Bill's Trick Shooting.


Anyways, if I'm not mistaken, there is a proto for the 2600, named something like Atari Shooting Gallery... I haven't played that one though.

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All I have is Barnyard blaster, is it really that bad? I was wondering cause I want to build an adaptor for my MS Light gun, but would it be worth it (is the game ok, just bad by comparison, or just bad period?) Or should I wait till I find a few more games that use it? I was looking for sentinel, and found it somewhere, but don't remember what it cost.

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All I have is Barnyard blaster, is it really that bad?  I was wondering cause I want to build an adaptor for my MS Light gun, but would it be worth it (is the game ok, just bad by comparison, or just bad period?)  Or should I wait till I find a few more games that use it?  I was looking for sentinel, and found it somewhere, but don't remember what it cost.


OK, Barnyard Blaster is not so much bad as it is boring and repetitive.


Sentinel can be found here.



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Huh, I could have sworn Sentinel was a 2600 game.  I'm pretty sure I've got it.  Of course, Ms Pac and Galega were on both, so I don't see why not.  Thanks for the link.


Yeah, Sentinel came out for both the 2600 and the 7800.

Funny how most of the Atari light gun games came out or were planned for more than one console.


Barnyard Blaster - 7800 and XE

Crossbow - 7800 and XE (2600 version was joystick only)

Sentinel 7800 and 2600 (planned for the XE)


Alien Brigade - 7800 (planned for the XE)

Meltdown - 7800 (planned for the XE)

Shooting Arcade - 2600 proto (planned for 7800)

Crime Buster - XE (planned for the 7800)


Bug Hunt - XE only!! (Thank goodness)



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Bug Hunt - XE only!! (Thank goodness)


Yeah! Bug Hunt is a real stinker! I really like Shooting Arcade and Barnyard Blaster. Sentinel is really repetitive for me.


I think Crime Busters (XE) is a light gun game too.


Go ahead and make that SMS light gun adapter for Atari consoles .. nice to have and you can still use your SMS gun with the SMS too!


Rob Mitchell, Atlanta, GA

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Hey! I got my gun today! It works great and I love it! I got Crossbow yesterday so I tried it out. Cool game. Pretty faithful to the arcade! I also had forgotten I have 2600 Sentinel and tried it also. It plays fine, but I like Crossbow better. I may snag Barnyard and Meltdown. I've seen them together on ebay with a $4.99 opening/$8.00 bin.

Alien Brigade I have yet to see on Ebay :sad:


Thanks for the info/advice people! I definetly like my 7800 a little more now!

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Interesting thread.


Of the 7800 ones I have:


1. ALIEN BRIGADE. One of my favorite 7800 games in general. Some of the best graphics on the system, decent challenge and multiple scrolling levels. The guy (Ken Grant) did a fantastic job.


2. BARNYARD BLASTER. I'm with Mitch on this. The graphics are good, but it's boring and repetitive (imo) and only has a couple of screens.


3. MELTDOWN. I don't know - I find this one really hard to get into. The variety is there and it has a password but I find that small targets to be too much. Never sustained my interest. Also, for that point in the 7800's life, it seemed - out of synch in terms of graphics and depth.


4. CROSSBOW. Decent translation, I actually prefer the XE version though. It has better graphics and digitized speech.



I don't like the XE light gun games that I've played much. BUG HUNT has horrid accuracy and is (IMO) also quite boring. CROSSBOW is good. I wouldn't mind CRIME BUSTERS if they lost that "car chase" sequence. Shooting at the crosshairs to steer the car is silly.

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Yes, the color you shoot determines the path you take. There are multiple "correct" paths to the castle, but some choices will force you to backtrack to a stage that you played earlier (which ramps up in difficulty). Therefore, it's important to memorize which color will give you the desired path from one stage to another. It's a process of trial and error, and it may take repeated plays before you can figure out a good path.


It seems like strange stuff, but don't forget that this was originally an arcade game, which encouraged people to play repeatedly if they wanted to master the game.

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Eh, I couldn't stand Crossbow. I didn't know it was supposed to be a lightgun game. Wonder why they switched to joystic? Probably the obvious lack of real Atari Lightguns.


I'll probably do that Rob, Hey, would 7800 and 2600 light guns have the same pinout? Well, I'd assume yes since they both work on 7800, but just to make sure.

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The XE has the best -- if not the largest -- light gun game library of all of the Atari systems. "Bug Hunt" can be repititive, but I rather like the game's graphics.


I'm not sure why so many people dislike "Barnyard Blaster", as it's lots of fun to play (and especially so on the "carnage" setting).


"Crossbow" and "Crime Buster" are excellent games.


The only XE game that I wouldn't, in fact, recommend is "Alien Blast", which is a "Space Invaders" clone with speech synthesis. It's much too hard, and the light gun targeting is really inaccurate.


Does anyone know if any light gun games were ported to the ST?

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Eh, I couldn't stand Crossbow.  I didn't know it was supposed to be a lightgun game.  Wonder why they switched to joystic?  Probably the obvious lack of real Atari Lightguns.


It supports both joystick and light gun. The reason why joystick support was included was so people who didn't have the light gun could play the game. When I first got Crossbow, I didn't have a light gun, so I played the game using the joystick. A few months later, I was able to get a light gun, and that added to my enjoyment of the game.

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Oh, wait, I'm thinking of the 2600 version of crossbow.  Does it also have lightugn support?  I guess I'll find out whenever I get my box together so i can play with a real lightgun.  Was it also made for the 7800?


2600 version is joystick only. 7800 version is joystick or lightgun.



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"Crossbow" and "Crime Buster" are excellent games.  


As an aside, I have a technical gripe with playing lightgun games on the XEGS. Plugging in guns or joysticks is really awkward on that system. And sadly, you can't leave a joystick in port 1 and a light gun in port 2.


I don't play XEGS gun games all that often party because of the inconvenience.

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