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An enjoyable Thanksgiving evening!


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So we do the customary Thanksgiving dinner as everyone does and then sit around an talk for a couple of hours after that. I had taken my laptop with me because I was supposed to do some work on a family member's computer.


Anyway, at one point we were watching a video I had already seen, so I pulled out the laptop. I don't have many games on it, but had a few of the rom images for the 2600 and the z26 emulator. I fired it up (in quiet mode so as not to offend anyone) and played a couple of games of Circus Atari. All of a sudden, my sister, sitting next to me, saw it and asked if she could play.


The next thing I know, it is 4+ hours later and her, my mother and I had passed the time playing Circus Atari, Bowling, Berzerk, Space Invaders, Centipede, Asteroids, Donkey Kong, Indy 500, Night Driver, Pole Position and oh...Thomas' Splatform!


It was funny in a way. At one point I went upstairs to work on the computer and I could hear everyone yelling, laughing and screaming as they continued to play. It wasn't some high-end PC game, an Xbox, Playstation, Nintendo, etc....but rather a good ol' bunch of Atari 2600 games!


What an enjoyable evening! :)



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Somewhat similar to my Thanksgiving experience! Our guests stayed well into the evening, and eventually I had my iBook hooked up to the TV and a Gravis GamePad hooked to the iBook and we were playing NES games in RockNES.


(The real NES is already packed away for the big move.)


The classics never die! :D

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I had a big brew of family over to the house for the last 3 days .. numerous nephews and nieces .. we were playing football and basketball outside Tuesday and Wednesday .. but after turkey and because of the rain .. we dragged out the Atari 7800 with Cuttle Cart 2 and Vectrex with Protector and YASI .. and had a blast .. which continued Friday too.


Best Game: Thomas and my new hack of 2600 Spacewar with increased gravity, black space, smaller ships and missiles .. to be released soon!


Rob Mitchell, Atlanta, GA

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Me and my family had to go to three houses for Thanksgiving, plus we had one in our home and we had about 30 people over and almost all night long I had to keep chasing people out of my yet to be finished Atari room. People would not stop going in my Atari room and looking and asking questions like "Do people still play these games, "Are these games worth anything?" & "Are people still making these games?", I don't mind people looking and asking all the questions they want, but some people have to touch my collection and that I don't like!!!!!


:roll: :!: :x

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