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What's your favorite "zone out" game?

Adrian M

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Every once in a while, you like to pull out that favorite game from your collection, set it on the easiest mode, and just settle into a trance-like state where you let your instincts take over as you clear level after level of your game of choice.


For me, it would have to be Jr. Pac-Man. I set the difficulty to the one ghost setting, and then proceed to clear level after level. No need to think or plan your routes, just let your gaming instincts take over while you lull yourself into a meditative state. It's all very relaxing.


Interestingly enough, I find myself doing the same thing with the 2600 version of Asteroids too. I remember reading something in Next Gen magazine about these types of "clear the level" games appealing to a primal instinct of keeping things tidy that is inherent of the human species. Apparently we get satisfaction out of clearing gaming screens of floating debris and power pellets.


Your thoughts?

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 I remember reading something in Next Gen magazine about these types of "clear the level" games appealing to a primal instinct of keeping things tidy that is inherent of the human species.  Apparently we get satisfaction out of clearing gaming screens of floating debris and power pellets.  


Your thoughts?


Actually it is psychological. I heard nolan bushnell talking about why they came out with the games they did. They all have certain things in common that make them fun. For instance when you are playing breakout and you finally get it to go above the blocks and it starts working by itself. It is a little break it the game that you earned. Also this is very true for thrust, in which I just beat, because when you work very hard to get out of a level and then you finally get to the end and just let your guy float up off the screen.


I play most of my games on the hardest difficulty. Then you get better at the game and eventually either beat it or get high scores.

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Just played Secret Quest for the first time (do I feel like a jerk, could have been enjoying that for years!), and I think that is it for me.  Easy to play (at least as far as I have gotten) and I like the mental memory challenge.  Much better to relax to than the button mashers.




What a coincidence!

I was playing Secret Quest last night! Managed to get up to the third level. And you're right, it's a great mental memory challenge! Gotta keep track of those stairwells! :)

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Every once in a while, you like to pull out that favorite game from your collection, set it on the easiest mode, and just settle into a trance-like state where you let your insticts take over as you clear level after level of your game of choice.  



Your thoughts?


For me it's Video Pinball. Like most people, I can play forever but I find it relaxing.

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Every once in a while, you like to pull out that favorite game from your collection, set it on the easiest mode, and just settle into a trance-like state where you let your insticts take over as you clear level after level of your game of choice.  



Your thoughts?


For me it's Video Pinball. Like most people, I can play forever but I find it relaxing.


Ah yes, Video Pinball. I've seen many an hour pass by playing that classic cart! Good times indeed.

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Every once in a while, you like to pull out that favorite game from your collection, set it on the easiest mode, and just settle into a trance-like state where you let your insticts take over as you clear level after level of your game of choice.  



Your thoughts?


For me it's Video Pinball. Like most people, I can play forever but I find it relaxing.


Ah yes, Video Pinball. I've seen many an hour pass by playing that classic cart! Good times indeed.


I think "Midnight Magic" is better than video pinball. It is a little harder, so you can't really "zone into" it.

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Kaboom! was what I thought of when I saw the thread title, but once I read the first message, I realized Kaboom!'s not really what this thread's about. Kaboom! certainly has an entrancing effect... but it's definitely NOT the kind of game you can just "zone out" on and play for hours and hours! (At least, I can't. I'm not "Zen" enough yet, I guess. :( )

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For me, it would have to be Jr. Pac-Man.  I set the difficulty to the one ghost setting, and then proceed to clear level after level.  

Nope. Boring. I need a purpose... not just zoning out. That said, I guess the most "zen-like" game I have is RS Volleyball. The quiet sound of the ocean surf is very relaxing as I smash the computer.



Rez (for me) Rez Vibrator (for my girl)


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For me, it would have to be Jr. Pac-Man.  I set the difficulty to the one ghost setting, and then proceed to clear level after level.  

Nope. Boring. I need a purpose... not just zoning out. That said, I guess the most "zen-like" game I have is RS Volleyball. The quiet sound of the ocean surf is very relaxing as I smash the computer.



Rez (for me) Rez Vibrator (for my girl)



However, Rez is not a 2600 game.

Does not qualify.

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I guess the most "zen-like" game I have is RS Volleyball.  The quiet sound of the ocean surf is very relaxing as I smash the computer.


Rez (for me)  Rez Vibrator (for my girl)



However, Rez is not a 2600 game.

Does not qualify.


No shit Sherlock. That's why I said "Modern:" before listing Rez. READ. And I listed RS Volleyball which *is* a 2600 game. READ before you criticize other people.

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I guess the most "zen-like" game I have is RS Volleyball.  The quiet sound of the ocean surf is very relaxing as I smash the computer.


Rez (for me)  Rez Vibrator (for my girl)



However, Rez is not a 2600 game.

Does not qualify.


No shit Sherlock. That's why I said "Modern:" before listing Rez. READ. And I listed RS Volleyball which *is* a 2600 game. READ before you criticize other people.



Anyways, getting back on topic...

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