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What's your favorite "zone out" game?

Adrian M

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I guess the most "zen-like" game I have is RS Volleyball.  The quiet sound of the ocean surf is very relaxing as I smash the computer.


Rez (for me)  Rez Vibrator (for my girl)



However, Rez is not a 2600 game.

Does not qualify.


No shit Sherlock. That's why I said "Modern:" before listing Rez. READ. And I listed RS Volleyball which *is* a 2600 game. READ before you criticize other people.


Keep your tone down, man.


Off-Topic is for fighting.



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I am also going to go with Milipede,because in order to do well in this game you have to zone out anyway,and be able to watch the whole screen at once.

Second choice is also Jr Pac-Man,on an easier setting of course;if not on easy play,it just pisses me off;rarely get thru level 4.

After reading this, I will be getting Stampede out again...

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But I love sitting back to Tempest 2K on the jag. I play the classic

version and play my own music. I don't like the famed 2k music but

I really like the sound effects.


I'vt tried playing it without sound and I just can't get into the swing of it. For me the music is pretty important for a zone-out sesh


we now return you to the topic in question.... :)

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I totally zoned on Midnight Magic last night. I was watching Cosby: 49, talking to Aimee and playing MM and just completely zoned. Next thing I knew it was Ball 2 and I had 300,000+. So I guess you could say I just kind of "zoned" on it. Sad thing is, I must have lost the zone, because I went on to drop the next 3 balls and end up with a lousy 500,000. :sad: :sad:


Great game though.

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I'm kind of surprised no one mentioned Tetris. I realize that the 2600 versions are fairly new. I know people that wake up to Tetris, chill out after work to Tetris, and even poop to Tetris! (sorry about the visual)


btw - you have all probably already played or seen it, but I just found a version of Tetris on the internet called Tetripz. It's great! The difficulty levels simulate hallucinations brought on by various drugs, and are labelled as such... ie Caffeine 1,2, 3 LSD 1, 2, 3 etc. Best of all, it's small, free, and will run on low end machines (as far as 486). :-)


Sorry, I just went off - blame the Dayquil. (I'm having my own hallucinations) :sad:

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Target Fun...errr...Air-Sea-Battle.


The other one that I zone out and play forever would be Laser Blast.


I don't like Laser Blast that much but I could sit there for over an hour blasting away and then suddenly "wake up" and rush to turn off the Atari before I go nuts.


Hmm Pac-Man and Berzerk are also zoners on the easy settings

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Star Ship, game 1, with Pink Floyd's "On The Run" playing in the background.  




You know, I've had Star Ship for awhile but never really played it. Seeing your post has made me curious as to why so many 2600 collectors hate it. I think I'll give it a go tonight!


Hmm...I put a few minutes into Starship last night. Is it just me, or does anyone else find that game to be boring?


Even the Lunar Lander-esque sequences are easy and dull.. :ponder:

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For me I would have to say Yar's Revenge, I can play that game for hours, but one day I was so into the game, that I did not see my 11 month old daughter getting to close to my 2600 and she pulled the power cord out and ended a hour long game. I could not get mad at her because she looked at me and said "DAA DAA", with a look in her eyes like she did something good.


:love: :roll: ;)

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Star Ship, game 1, with Pink Floyd's "On The Run" playing in the background.  




You know, I've had Star Ship for awhile but never really played it. Seeing your post has made me curious as to why so many 2600 collectors hate it. I think I'll give it a go tonight!


Hmm...I put a few minutes into Starship last night. Is it just me, or does anyone else find that game to be boring?


Even the Lunar Lander-esque sequences are easy and dull.. :ponder:


Play game 4. It might help to turn the difficulty switch to "A" too, it's a lot harder. For Lunar Lander, play game 14, again with the Difficulty set to position "A."


Yes, Game 1 is kinda boring...but's easier to space out to since you don't need fast reflexes. Games 4 and 14 are the best.



P.S. I'm assuming you know this, but some people can't figure out that the Right Joystick is used, not the Left. I think much of Star Ship's negative criticism comes from people not knowing how to control the game.

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