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weird Hangman Label - just brazilian?


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Yeah I noticed that after checking other posts, makes me a bit suspicious.... Something this rare doesn't go from none to 5? in a week or two ya know?


(Rarity being just based on number reported previous to and now all of a sudden)


I could just be that like NTSC Red Label Yar's Revenge it was overlooked until recently. I thought that originally the concensus was that this was just a pirate label.

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I am suspicious of this, too.


I'll tell you what makes me think this is a pirate, possibly Chinese, and NOT a legit Atari release, aside from the obvious fact that it's a completely different label from any other Atari release (not that that alone NECESSARILY rules out its legitimacy):


1. "2600VCS" to my knowledge Atari has NEVER run together 2600 and VCS without a space.


2. The font on "Use with Joystick Controllers." It is hard for me to describe exactly, but that font looks like one that is commonly used in China and some other Asian countries on very cheap products, and is not like one Atari would likely have used on ANYTHING they produced.

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I am suspicious of this, too.


I'll tell you what makes me think this is a pirate, possibly Chinese, and NOT a legit Atari release, aside from the obvious fact that it's a completely different label from any other Atari release (not that that alone NECESSARILY rules out its legitimacy):


1. "2600VCS" — to my knowledge Atari has NEVER run together 2600 and VCS without a space.


2. The font on "Use with Joystick Controllers." It is hard for me to describe exactly, but that font looks like one that is commonly used in China and some other Asian countries on very cheap products, and is not like one Atari would likely have used on ANYTHING they produced.


It looks real to me, but the only surefire way to tell is to have someone open their cart to see what is inside.

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its legit,, I assure you,, I have one aswell:) Its just an obviously late release.. but being 'hangman' was such a boring and dated game by the end of atari's run I imagine not many were sold??  Its deff not a bootleg

How does the fact that you own one confirm that it's a legitimate release? Did you buy it retail?

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its legit,, I assure you,, I have one aswell:) Its just an obviously late release.. but being 'hangman' was such a boring and dated game by the end of atari's run I imagine not many were sold??  Its deff not a bootleg


Have you opened it up to check? I own many pirate carts, some of which look very nice. My owning these do not make them legitimate Atari releases. :P

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It legit,, you wanna buy it from me, ill tear it up and prove to you.. I believe its legit for its obviouse whenyou look at one in your hand. I am very exsperianced with 'printing' and could spot a forge a mile away. I also have a hugh collection (over 400 carts) of pirated and brazilian carts so I know a thing or two about those as well,, but if you dont want to believe me,, than dont bid on these when you see em:) The cart is identical to ataris late releases in all ways of production,, its obviouse if you saw it,, besides we've hashed this out in other forums.. seems the only people bitching about this are ones that dont own it and are pissed they have to find another cart for ther collection:)

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Well, I DO notice that it has the cutout parts in the case that were standard for late-era Atari releases.


But that still doesn't prove anything. Unless someone can come up with a NIB version with a retail price sticker on it, or you open it up and see the Atari copyright etched on the PCB (or whatever else you do to confirm its authenticity internally), we'll never know for sure.


And no, it's not just because I am "jealous" that I don't own it! This label is unlike any other known Atari release, and the couple of points I mentioned before about the printing on the label at least HINT that it could be a pirate. The burden of proof is on your shoulders, my friend.



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Damn it, calm down, both of ya's, before I have to pull the car over!!!


Let me put on some Bob Marley, and let's all sway to the grove.


I can certainly see both sides of the coin here, but, after experiencing Pov's "Atari Room of Doom" first hand, I'm pretty comfortable with his opinion.


I just hate seeing two of my favorite AA'ers bickering... (Even if it is the tiniest of tiffs).

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ahhhh... I dont get my feathers ruffled that easily:) Remind me to show you this game when you come back out tiggerthehun;) Im gearing up to start posting this weekend, so maybe Ill have time to finish your Bally and 5200 by next weekend? maybe even Fri or Thurs? Ill let ya know;)

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ahhhh... I dont get my feathers ruffled that easily:)  Remind me to show you this game when you come back out tiggerthehun;)  Im gearing up to start posting this weekend, so maybe Ill have time to finish your Bally and 5200 by next weekend? maybe even Fri or Thurs? Ill let ya know;)


I got my other starplex, so both that and OYR are ready to go, when you are :)

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