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Your best score on Skeleton+

Adrian M

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I've been playing the latest homebrew classic these past few nights and was curious as to how my scores stack up to others who have had the game longer. I normally play using the following setup:


COLOR/B&W SWITCH = set to "color" (skeletons don't have the "touch of death)

LEFT DIFFICULTY SWITCH = set to "B" (allows usage of motion tracker)

RIGHT DIFFICULTY SWITCH = set to "A" (allows only 49 total player hit points)


Using this setup, the best I've managed so far is 16 skeletons killed in a single game. Nothing specatcular, but I'm beginning to get a feel for how the game works.


I found myself losing a good portion of my energy whenever skeletons got too close and behind me, but I've found that you need to sprint ahead and turn quickly to finish them off with a few extra flash attacks. It's possible to "camp" a bit when you hear the skeleton nearing and flash attack him as he passes.


Anyway, please post YOUR scores! :)

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yeah, the original Skeleton only has the OPTION of the Skele-compass.  You get no life meter, no kill count, and any time a skeleton looks at you funny, you are toast.


I love this game.  What a real challenge! :)


Indeed. There's more to the game than meets the eye.

What are your strategies for the later levels? Do you find yourself actively pursuing the skeleton or do you find a nice little hallway (with some room to escape if needed) and camp?


Impressive though, particularly since you don't have the added benefit of the life meter or scoring data.

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... the original Skeleton and my best is around 25. :)


Very good. I don't think I ever managed to get past the second level on the original Skeleton.


Note: The difficulty switches are multi purpose. When the game starts the left switch controls the number of Skeletons per level but during the game it turns on & off the radar. The right switch at the controls whether you start with 49 or 99 life, but during the game it controls whether the Skeleton movement speed gets reset when each Skeleton gets killed or only at the start of each level.


I haven't played Skeleton+ in a while. My son (3) would turn off the game on me. But I think I've killed off over 20.


The basic strategy with Skeleton+ is to avoid getting hit. There's nothing worse than limping around with < 10 life left knowing the next wrong move will end the game. Use the radar to keep the Skeleton in front of you (unless you are running away, waiting for your gun to recharge).


You can move as fast as you tap the joystick, so running away is always a good idea. The Skeleton tracking logic will not always follow you around corners so use that to your advantage. You can run through the Skeleton, though you will take damage. If you ever get hit, run!


Never assume that shooting a Skeleton will kill it. Trying to go toe-to-toe with the Skeleton is a losing strategy. Although it only requires a second to reload, that is more than enough for the Skeleton to catch up to you. You also can't simply hold down the fire button. You have to press fire after the one second reload time.


I gave some other hints back when I first released Skeleton. Those are still applicable, but with the original you had to try to avoid situations where the Skeleton could get the drop on you (like intersections). That is somewhat less important, but avoiding getting hit is still paramount.

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Once I break about 15, I try to get close to a Skeleton and then find a safe position. Usually this means keeping the Skeleton in front of me while standing at a crossroads. That way I can escape to the side or backwards if things get hairy.


I love Skeleton, but nothing makes me madder than being 19 deep and turning a corner seeing GOT YOU! :x :x :x


But tons of fun and LOADS of replay value! :) :) :)

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I killed 1 so far.




Damn I suck.


Don't worry...keep at it.

It will take you some time to adjust to the gameplay and the way the skeleton attacks.


I myself didn't know you could run away from the skeleton as he touches you and drains your energy. Suffice to say, after some experimentation, you do get the hang of it.


This is a game worth mastering, so keep trying!

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