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Really...really unique situation.....


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My friend has actually happened upon a copy of the coveted Eli's Ladder for 2600...problem is the label is completely gone. He has offered it to me for $75 as-is, and i can't make up my mind weather to take it or not. I have never, in my 9 years of collecting, purchased a damaged item of any kind...and i need to know if it's worth the money. Any help will be appreciated.

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My friend has actually happened upon a copy of the coveted Eli's Ladder for 2600...problem is the label is completely gone. He has offered it to me for $75 as-is, and i can't make up my mind weather to take it or not. I have never, in my 9 years of collecting, purchased a damaged item of any kind...and i need to know if it's worth the money. Any help will be appreciated.


If it doesn't have a label, open it and take a look at what is inside. ;)

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Case form is a perfect match, it even has a "bit of the end label left too. You can see a tiny bit of white, and a bit of the little +sign...that's all that's left though. The front label is gone completely. I'm 99.9% convinced it's the real schmoo...so i'm just puzzling weather it would bring back the $75 if i decided to sell it or something. I've never seen anything like this sell anywhere, so i don't have a price to compare it with. :ponder:

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Case form is a perfect match, it even has a "bit of the end label left too. You can see a tiny bit of white, and a bit of the little +sign...that's all that's left though. The front label is gone completely. I'm 99.9% convinced it's the real schmoo...so i'm just puzzling weather it would bring back the $75 if i decided to sell it or something. I've never seen anything like this sell anywhere, so i don't have a price to compare it with. :ponder:


I would still open it. ;)


I you really want to know why I am saying that, I will put in the effort and show you. :ponder:

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CPU-Yeah, i "would" like to know why...but i'm afraid it ai'nt gonna happen no matter how much i want too. ;)

My friend is pretty obsessive about things like that, so i really consider myself lucky i even got to touch it while it's still in his possesion. :lol:

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CPU-Yeah, i "would" like to know why...but i'm afraid it ai'nt gonna happen no matter how much i want too. ;)

My friend is pretty obsessive about things like that, so i really consider myself lucky i even got to touch it while it's still in his possesion. :lol:


You know what, you are absolutely right. :lolblue:


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If it`s the real thing, 75$ is nothing. Go for it. If you don`t want to keep it you can sell it on ebay (and you`ll get a lot more than 75$!). I am exeptionnally scrupulous about label conditions, but this cart (Elli`s Ladder)

is an exeption. Even without a label it`s worth a lot of $$.



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I hate to take this too far off-topic, but since it's the first time I've seen a thread about this game, I have to ask...


What exactly makes this a religious game, other than the fact that it was distributed at religious book stores?







(I will refrain from my usual rants about lame games fetching insane prices because of their rarity... :ponder: I have given up on figuring that out.)

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Just letting everyone know that as of 6:00 this morning i went down the street to my friend's house and knocked on the door before he went to work. He answered the door yawning in his boxer shorts. :lol: I hit him up for said game and it is now mine...:) I am now the "somewhat" proud owner of a R10 cart...be it ever so crappy lookin'. My rarest item before was a copy of Wall Ball that i got from a pawn shop a while back...but even without a lable, Eli beats that to hell & back. :lol: Thanks everybody, especially CPU, for helping me make up my mind on this...;)

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Just letting everyone know that as of 6:00 this morning i went down the street to my friend's house and knocked on the door before he went to work. He answered the door yawning in his boxer shorts. :lol: I hit him up for said game and it is now mine...:) I am now the "somewhat" proud owner of a R10 cart...be it ever so crappy lookin'. My rarest item before was a copy of Wall Ball that i got from a pawn shop a while back...but even without a lable, Eli beats that to hell & back. :lol: Thanks everybody, especially CPU, for helping me make up my mind on this...;)


Now that you own it, open it up and post a pic so you can guarantee authenticity for yourself. Congratulations. That's one of the rarest games for the 2600. :D


@ Room 34--I think that the whole religious slant on this game is an error. More than likely, this product was going to be used as an educational tool and it flopped miserably. Either that, or it was an early warning sign put out by the Hale Bop Cult people :lol:

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@ Room 34--I think that the whole religious slant on this game is an error.  More than likely, this product was going to be used as an educational tool and it flopped miserably.  Either that, or it was an early warning sign put out by the Hale Bop Cult people :lol:

So really it's just a matter of inept marketing... the only distribution Simage was able to get was in a chain of religious bookstores?

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So really it's just a matter of inept marketing... the only distribution Simage was able to get was in a chain of religious bookstores?


I thought Music Machine was the only game that was sold exclusively through a chain of religious bookstores. This topic has come up before and I think it was originally posted in error by someone that had confused Eli's Ladder with Music Machine that Eli's Ladder was the exclusive title.

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@ Room 34--I think that the whole religious slant on this game is an error.  More than likely, this product was going to be used as an educational tool and it flopped miserably.  Either that, or it was an early warning sign put out by the Hale Bop Cult people :lol:

So really it's just a matter of inept marketing... the only distribution Simage was able to get was in a chain of religious bookstores?


Yes, this would seem to make more sense than this game being marketed as a "religious educational game" as the description in the rarity guide suggests.

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GAAAAH!!! HOLY HELL! How'd you do that!?!?!? :o That tears it...that mo-fo is MINE! Say howdy to the new owner of that cart people.  


No joke, that's freakishly close to what that cart looks like. :lolblue::thumbsup:


i think cpuwiz was pointing out how easy it would be to create a cart that looks like what you describe. take a US games cart, remove the label, print of the end label from atariage. cut & tear it and glue it onto the us games case.


the point of opening it up would be to see if it is an eprom on a homebrew board...or if it is on a Simage board/Rom...if there is such a thing. has anyone opened up a legit eli's ladder to see what the board/rom looks like? well, now that you own the one that started this discussion, open it up and take pictures!!!

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