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To all Atari 2600 fans Im new to the board please read


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Hi guys!!!!! My name is Rick and I am 25 years old and from nashville,Tn. Some of my best memories video gaming was with this system. Here recently I bought that 10 in 1 contoller and fell back in love with Atari all over again. I have had no luck finding a system as of yet and im not ready to shell out big bucks on ebay and pray they work so im going to stay on the hunt. I want to meet other Atari fans who like to chat about the system or might have duplicate cartriages to sell. im not wanting to put this on ebay I just want to revist my childhood.Plus it will make a great conversation piece when people drop in. In fact the other day when I was playing the 10 in 1 contoller I heard what is that from a friends girlfriend. Now she is hooked. So anyone that would like to chat please email me or instant message me. I want to meet some fans. Thanks guys.

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Also, don't worry too much about shelling out loads of money for non-working systems. Atari 2600s are pretty bulletproof :)...and they're mercifully cheap too. I daresay, for the price of your 10-in-1 you could have got a 2600jr and a few games.

Welcome to the boards :D

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You should have no problem getting a working Atari 2600 and probably even a dozen or so games for around $30 on eBay... and you really do NOT have to worry about whether it works or not. This is not the Nintendo Entertainment System! Atari 2600s are virtually indestructible. Just make sure that the auction comes with everything you need... a couple joysticks, a set of paddles (if you want to play paddle games), and the AC adapter. Forget the RF switchbox... they're terrible! You can get a direct RCA-to-coaxial adapter from the AtariAge store for $3.00.

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yes I know can't find them under 100 bucks. So can anyone out there help me? Have a spare unit?


I'd like to help you, but despite the fact that I own FOUR Atari 2600s, I can't do much for you:


Sears Video Arcade - 6-switch, this is my main 2600 unit right now


Atari VCS - 4-switch, the one I owned as a kid, left diff. switch is broken


Atari VCS - 4-switch, very flaky power jack; I'd sell it but you probably don't want it!


Atari 2600 (Darth Vader) - 4-switch, works great but is at my in-laws' house


I'd suggest posting a message in the Marketplace forum and I'm sure you'll get some offers.

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Just keep an eye out on eBay, and a good suggestion is, don't search for atari 2600 SYSTEM, try to find one that doesn't include system in the title. I found one and got lucky, got a wood grain just a about 2 weeks ago for $29.00 on eBay and then the guy had about 69 games that he sold for $32.00 (less than $.50 a game.) So just keep an eye out and you'll get one for a good price!

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Hang on here, you have the box but no Atari? If so, cool, you've saved yourself a lot of money from the start. Boxed systems go for a lot more.

Take note of what the good people here say though. Wait until after Christmas and see the prices return to sane levels. Everyone wants one at the moment.

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Welcome to the best Atari web site ever!!!! you can find just about any information about Atari you every wanted to know here and the people are as nice as they get. As far as getting a 2600 system, just relax and you will get one complete for about $35.00 on ebay, there for sale all the time. Right now I have 7 systems complete and mint in there boxes, so you should have no problem getting on soon.


:D :D :thumbsup:

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