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[Help?] Four-Port Conversion for 2600VCS Compatibility


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I was referenced to Best Electronics for a kit to do this conversion, but a month later I still have no reply, so I look to the forums.


As would be indicated by the subject line, I'm looking to make my 4 Port Atari 5200 compatible with the VCS converter. I just tried to get a 2 port system off of eBay and was ripped off badly (let's just say the item received was not what was described at all) and would prefer to just scrap that idea entirely and modify my 4 Port system, since it's beautiful and looks like it was played for a few months and then boxed up and stored in a climate-controlled bank vault. I mean, it gleams. My only complaint is that it wasn't one of the 4 Ports that were produced later and are already compatible.


I've read about kits that are available, but could find none outside of the Best Electronics site, who have sort of left me with no visible, viable option. Since I have this bum 2 Port system, and there's a distinct (and unsavory) possibility the seller is not going to be inclined to refund me ($21.99 refund, plus another $12 for when I ship it back... I just don't see him being eager to do that one) I found myself wondering if I have the necessary parts for the conversion in the bum system I received.


Any advice is welcome.

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Oh damn, I'm a tool.


I forgot to say "Thanks, CPUWIZ! I really appreciate that information and quick response!"


Sometimes I forget my appreciation when I get lost on another web site. Sorry!


...and uhhh.... what's this about a manual?

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Humm.. it probably won't work (at least not in S-Video mode) because the 2600's video is already combined and piped through on a single cartridge pin.




Well, Im not using the Svideo capabilities, just composite out right now, which is a vast improvement over RF..


And it doesnt work.. at all.. I see the screen flash for a brief second, and i know its doing something, but I don't see the game.. Owell, it was an interesting thought. It'd be interesting to mod the mod to get this working though =)

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I thought it would be too, but when I cracked my 4 port open to install the Chroma/Luma S-Video mod, I checkout the PCB number...which took a little bit (a minute or two) since the top PCB number was never etched in, but on the back, it listed a different PCB number than the CA018087. I check the serial number...no asterick!!!


So now i began to wonder...maybe it was just the first generations of 5200's and the revised the PCB several times before they finally went into production on the asterick model, and then the 2 port.


Second, maybe someone switched my PCB, probably not...to much work.


Third, I wonder how many people got ripped off when the computer store realized the 4-port did not need modification for the VCS adapter, but charged the 80 bucks anyway?



You know, nanoseconds laugh at milliseconds for being so slow... :D

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I thought it would be too, but when I cracked my 4 port open to install the Chroma/Luma S-Video mod, I checkout the PCB number...which took a little bit (a minute or two) since the top PCB number was never etched in, but on the back, it listed a different PCB number than the CA018087.  I check the serial number...no asterick!!!


So now i began to wonder...maybe it was just the first generations of 5200's and the revised the PCB several times before they finally went into production on the asterick model, and then the 2 port.


Second, maybe someone switched my PCB, probably not...to much work.


Third, I wonder how many people got ripped off when the computer store realized the 4-port did not need modification for the VCS adapter, but charged the 80 bucks anyway?



You know, nanoseconds laugh at milliseconds for being so slow... :D


Doh, this mod totally slipped my mind... I guess it is possible that it works, but since I haven't done the mod it wont.. I need to check the serial. I'll check all this out, possibly do the mod, and post an update on if it works or not. I guess I was just too excited when I got the package with the vcs adapter.

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I tried this mod on one of my 4-port systems and ended up blowing a power supply and the board. I double-checked everything and I don't see any obvious mistakes, but I haven't spent a lot of time trying to track down what's wrong on the board (I removed the entire mod, and that didn't help, so I definitely broke something!)



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  • 3 weeks later...
I still have copies of the Atari documentation for the 4 port mod. If you didn't get them yet, I can email you scans of the pages.





There were a few 5200 4 port revisions. As mentioned, those with the * are already retrofitted (more like manufactured). I do believe that some 5200 4 port boards can not be made 2600 compatible without significant changes.


I'd be interested in what the Atari documentation states.

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I still have copies of the Atari documentation for the 4 port mod. If you didn't get them yet, I can email you scans of the pages.





There were a few 5200 4 port revisions. As mentioned, those with the * are already retrofitted (more like manufactured). I do believe that some 5200 4 port boards can not be made 2600 compatible without significant changes.


I'd be interested in what the Atari documentation states.


The different revisions are:

Original 4 port model - does not work with 2600 adapter though it can be modified to work.

Original 4 port model - with the modification for the 2600 adapter done at the factory. Should have * in the serial number.

Later 4 port model - supports 2600 adapter natively. Has places on board for extra PAL parts. Should have + in the serial number. This seems to be the rarest of the released 5200 models.

2 port model - supports 2600 adapter natively. Has places on board for extra PAL parts. Uses a standard RF switchbox.


It seems that a few of the later 4 ports were factory modified to use the standard RF switchbox as well.



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I don't know why everything seems to suggest the 4 port with a star (*) is rare. Of the 4 c5200 I found in the wild, 3 of them has the star. (4th one is the original 4 port) Around here, 2 port is the rare version! :D


Anyway I found the docs on the mod. I know they came from the web site originally but I can't remember where. I've kept them at full size so they'd be large.




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