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How many of you use only 1970's - 80's era controllers?

Adrian M

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We all know that you can use SMS, Genesis and a variety of other controllers from more modern systems on the 2600 due to the fact that they share the same connector.


However, using a D-pad on 2600 games just feels "weird" for some reason. Almost too precise at times as well. For that very reason, I insist on using ONLY joysticks from the 2600 era for my Atari gaming sessions. I've played the 2600 since 1982, so I was born and raised on the standard 2600 sticks.


I'd like to hear more from everyone else uses, particularly those who've been gaming on the 2600 since the earliest days. Do you continue to use older joysticks or do you use the D-pad controllers from the newer systems for your gaming needs?

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Well here is a different opinion. I only use a converted NES controller. I tried going back to the joystick, and to tell you the truth, I hated it. Since I used the nes controller to beat thrust, and spent hours using it, there is no way I can use a sloppy joystick anymore. (maybe I will sell them on ebay since they are all goinf for about 15-20 dollars a piece)


I prefer to have the most precice contrller possible. I also have the genesis controller, but the D pad on those arent as good as the nes ones.


Down with joysticks :twisted: J/K

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I have never gotten the hang of modern controllers so I stick with joysticks. As a kid, Pointmasters were my favorites but now, they make my hand cramp in a matter of a few minutes. For some games, I like the Atari originals and for others, I like the Epyx. (Trust me, from a previous thread that I posted about Epyx joysticks, I am now QUITE aware that I'm the only one who likes them! :) ) I just got a set of Wicos but I haven't had time to use them yet to know if I'm going to like them. I do keep Sega controllers around though as my younger friends use them because they can't figure out how to use "those old things".

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I really don't see how anyone (at least, anyone who's RIGHT HANDED) could find a left-side thumb pad to be more precise than a right-handed joystick.


I think that's the real generational gap in video gaming. 8) :P


Yeah, I grew up on the nes and have been collecting atari's for about 2 or 3 years. But my screen name is my full name and birthday Brad J. Karston (07-03-1982) So when I was about 5 or 6 I got the NES. And didn't play much atari, except for at my brothers friends house (and I still don't remember much of that)


It is all what you are used to. I know that I am about the only one that defends using modern controllers on classic systems.


But you don't see anyone beating Thrust with joystick now do you. :twisted: ;)

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Punk! I got my Atari 2 months before you were born!




(Just kidding... ;) )


You're actually just a few weeks older than my half-brother! :D


I don't have any problems with all you old people. :P I will still put anyones gameplaying to shame no matter what controller they use. But I will always use my nes controllers. ;)

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The Genesis pads are okay I guess, maybe mine are bad, but I find that the D-pads slow down my reaction times compared to joysticks. I do like the NES D-pads though so maybe a modified one would work okay for me.


Most of the time I use the CX40 but after a post by Beergnome, I believe it was, I tracked down one of the big Genesis joysticks and it works great too. I love it for playing Joust.

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We all know that you can use SMS, Genesis and a variety of other controllers from more modern systems on the 2600 due to the fact that they share the same connector.


However, using a D-pad on 2600 games just feels "weird" for some reason.  Almost too precise at times as well.  For that very reason, I insist on using ONLY joysticks from the 2600 era for my Atari gaming sessions.  I've played the 2600 since 1982, so I was born and raised on the standard 2600 sticks.  


I'd like to hear more from everyone else uses, particularly those who've been gaming on the 2600 since the earliest days.  Do you continue to use older joysticks or do you use the D-pad controllers from the newer systems for your gaming needs?


Will always use the original Atari joysticks. One of the reasons I'm not into the modern systems is I just don't have the time or desire to figure out how to use the latest controllers. Too complicated.

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I grew up with the Atari Stick and Pong Paddles but once the NES control Pad came out I can't go back to joysticks unless it is on an arcade game cabinet.


My favorite controller for game playing is the 2nd Generation Sega Genesis controller. I think it was a 6-button controller. I wish I could use that on everything. The NES Max is my next favorite followed by the NES original controller.


The RetroCon seems promising and since is Playstation compatible I guess it could be used on a variety of systems.


For emulaters I use mostly keyboard and mouse.

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I never use emulators, it doesn't feel right, but I do use a joypad, bizarrely an Amstrad GX4000 one! The GX4000 console was around in 1990, and went bust a few months after release. The joypads that came with it are so minimalist, but one I started using them, I could never go back to the stick. It just feels right for me I suppose. Maybe I'm not such a purist after all. :)

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Original Atari sticks and Wico bat-handles. I've never tried a joypad on my 2600.


For my classic systems I generally like to use the sticks that came with the system. Though I'd love to try one of the third-party sticks for the Intellivision, and if I had a 5200 I'd get one of those nifty new controller adapters.

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