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How many of you use only 1970's - 80's era controllers?

Adrian M

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I really don't see how anyone (at least, anyone who's RIGHT HANDED)


As a leftie, I have to say you answered your own question, bud. Mind you, I much prefer the good old CX-40 on the real hardware (tried the Genesis pad thing once and I had a Coleco combination controller back in the day, and it ain't the same). . . But when it comes to z26 (Why, except for the cool interface, does anyone use Stella with it out there? It is definitely far more accurate on most games, certainly w/ Activision), I use a PS2 controller, same for MAME, etc. . .


Mind you, I need a wheel for APB on MAME, a PS2 controller is FAR too sensitive for it . . .

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I tried using a Sega Genesis pad on my Atari 7800. It just felt....... wrong. I got used to playing 2600/7800 games with the control stick in my right hand and firing with my left thumb. Trying to do it any other way just felt unnatural. I guess it's good that I didn't get used to the Genny pad on my 7800, i've heard it can cause damage over time to it's control circuits.

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For those who are used to a modified NES gamepad (and WHY someone would like to try to combine the competition's gamepad with a system such as the Atari 2600 is beyond me since the idea is ill conceived in the first place), this is what I do, the way I hold the joystick is in my left hand with my thumb over the button and 4 fingers tucked under the base, on my right hand my thumb is at the bottom of the tip of the joystick and my pinky, ring and middle fingers are braced against the joystick base and my index finger hooks around the top of the tip of the stick. By doing it this way I get the quickest possible response from the CX-40 because between the upward push on the stick by my thumb and the hooking action of my index finger I can go in any and all directions at an extremely rapid pace which would be absolutely impossible to do with the NES gamepad. I have played against someone who was using a modified NES gamepad on the 2600 and I chose the REAL DEAL being the tried and true CX-40 and I was still able to play when the other person's hands eventually got all sweaty and couldn't even grasp the NES pad anymore. Furthermore I'd choose a CX-40 over a modified NES gamepad for a very good reason, with the gamepad you run a higher risk of getting carpal tunnel syndrome than you would if you just used the standard CX-40 and take it from someone who knows, the surgery to correct carpal tunnel syndrome is a serious and very costly one, so in using the CX-40's that minimizes that risk. Try my tried and true method for playing any game with the CX-40, you'll be surprised just what kinds of responses you can get from a game by doing this, before long you'll be playing Atari as good as you remember if not better!



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I use an nes pad and would use nothing else @RichG, my hand starts hurting way more with a cx40 than with the nes. And nobody has beat thrust with a cx 40 yet :ponder:

AFAIK there is only one controller which doesn't belong into the Has-Not-Beaten-Thrust-List. :)


So the statistics are unequivocal! :D

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I really don't see how the NES gamepad would cause carpal tunnel syndrome. I don't see the CX40 doing it, either... but I do believe hand cramps are more likely with the CX40, having experienced them myself on a long game of Yars' Revenge.


My hands did not get tired at all the other day when I played Super Mario Bros. 3 for five hours straight, however.






Man, I need to go back to work. :ponder:

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FYI everyone,


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is caused by a constant, rapid fire repetitive motion that is employed over and over again over a long period of time, if Nintendo had thought their controllers were meant to be cross compatible with the Atari 2600 they would have designed them as such, don't be combining Japanese technology with technology that was conceptualized by true red-blooded americans, The Atari 2600 was conceptualized by an american man and designed to operate at very specific parameters. I firmly stand by that ages old saying "If it ain't broke DON'T fix it!" And as for beating thrust with a CX-40, it can be done, those of you who say it can't are only doubting yourselves plus your own reflexes. And furthermore, the contacts and replacement parts for the NES controllers can no longer be bought so where are you gonna be when your NES controllers finally fail? On the other hand, replacement parts for the CX-40's and any other LICENSED joysticks that were MEANT to be compatible with the Atari 2600 can still be found. I'm not for trying to convert the Atari 2600 into an NES wanna be, but for those of you who prefer the gamepad Atari MADE one back in the 80's and a friend of mine HAS a supply of them left, and it's an ATARI licensed product. What's next huh? Trying to get the atari to open wide enough to accept NES cartridges? This place is starting to become more of a "Nolan Bushnell didn't make the Atari 2600 good enough so let's see what WE can do to correct the old man's mistakes" club. I praise innovation but not when it comes to hacking apart someone's life's work, if this keeps up there will be no Atari 2600's left original and where will be his legacy? Only in memories and tapes of old commercials? We as consumers bought this system to play it and enjoy it, not to turn it into the next "Radio Shack Science Fair 300-in-1 Project Kit". I mean no disrespect to Albert because I personally don't see him doing any of this, but I have made my views known on modifications and converting other things into something they were not designed to be. Do you think if I were to put my "Atari 2600 Portable Power Pack" on the market I would just stand by and allow someone else to modify it to what THEY wanted it to be? Hell no, if I sold it to someone and they started doing that I'd sue them for everything they had without a moment's hesitation. And just so you know, the "Atari 2600 Power Pack" does exist and I have the only working prototype. Modifying someone else's work and calling it your own is not very far from what an artist would call plagiarism if someone took one of his drawings, added something to it and claimed it was their work. NONE OF YOU designed the NES controller and NONE OF YOU designed the Atari 2600, so adding something to it doesn't make it a "Brand new product", all it does is butcher the old one. Now if there are those of you who genuinely WANT my "Atari 2600 Power Pack", sure I'll make one up for you, I made it in the 80's because at the time where I lived, power outages and surges were at a premium, meaning they happened quite often and I'd lose my all time high score in the process so I decided to build something to counter that, a portable power pack that would enable me to keep going strong. The people who would like my power pack made for them will get one if I decide to start mass producing them, but ONLY under the provision that they stay original and are NOT modified in any way, shape or form. If they don't abide by what I say and the product fails or malfunctions, they will not get another one and will be put very high on my enemies list. Only the people that know the true value of an ORIGINAL product and know what it is to have something stay original and unadulterated will get one of my products, the other mod-happy buggers can do without because they'd only change it to suit their own personal needs. I myself prefer a stock original Atari 2600 with the simple BASIC CX-40 joystick it was designed for and any of the other 3rd party controlers that were ORIGINALLY made for it under the licensing agreement between themselves AND the Atari Corporation. I have way of getting my Atari 2600 to do what I want it to do without any modifications to the original unit and my methods are tried and true. If anyone wants further info on my power pack, the messengers I use are listed, so go ahead and use them!



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...don't be combining Japanese technology with technology that was conceptualized by true red-blooded americans...

OK, my brain shut off at precisely that moment.


If you're trying to convince me of a point (which you seem to be doing, since it was my post that appeared to elicit this response), cut out the "true red-blooded Americans" crap. It's not an effective rhetorical tool, especially in an International forum like this.



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FYI everyone,


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is caused by a constant, rapid fire repetitive motion that is employed over and over again over a long period of time, if Nintendo had thought their controllers were meant to be cross compatible with the Atari 2600 they would have designed them as such, don't be combining Japanese technology with technology that was conceptualized by true red-blooded americans, The Atari 2600 was conceptualized by an american man and designed to operate at very specific parameters.  I firmly stand by that ages old saying "If it ain't broke DON'T fix it!"  And as for beating thrust with a CX-40, it can be done, those of you who say it can't are only doubting yourselves plus your own reflexes.  And furthermore, the contacts and replacement parts for the NES controllers can no longer be bought so where are you gonna be when your NES controllers finally fail?  On the other hand, replacement parts for the CX-40's and any other LICENSED joysticks that were MEANT to be compatible with the Atari 2600 can still be found.  I'm not for trying to convert the Atari 2600 into an NES wanna be, but for those of you who prefer the gamepad Atari MADE one back in the 80's and a friend of mine HAS a supply of them left, and it's an ATARI licensed product.  What's next huh?  Trying to get the atari to open wide enough to accept NES cartridges?  This place is starting to become more of a "Nolan Bushnell didn't make the Atari 2600 good enough so let's see what WE can do to correct the old man's mistakes" club.  I praise innovation but not when it comes to hacking apart someone's life's work, if this keeps up there will be no Atari 2600's left original and where will be his legacy?  Only in memories and tapes of old commercials?  We as consumers bought this system to play it and enjoy it, not to turn it into the next "Radio Shack Science Fair 300-in-1 Project Kit".  I mean no disrespect to Albert because I personally don't see him doing any of this, but I have made my views known on modifications and converting other things into something they were not designed to be.  Do you think if I were to put my "Atari 2600 Portable Power Pack" on the market I would just stand by and allow someone else to modify it to what THEY wanted it to be?  Hell no, if I sold it to someone and they started doing that I'd sue them for everything they had without a moment's hesitation.  And just so you know, the "Atari 2600 Power Pack" does exist and I have the only working prototype.  Modifying someone else's work and calling it your own is not very far from what an artist would call plagiarism if someone took one of his drawings, added something to it and claimed it was their work. NONE OF YOU designed the NES controller and NONE OF YOU designed the Atari 2600, so adding something to it doesn't make it a "Brand new product", all it does is butcher the old one.  Now if there are those of you who genuinely WANT my "Atari 2600 Power Pack", sure I'll make one up for you, I made it in the 80's because at the time where I lived, power outages and surges were at a premium, meaning they happened quite often and I'd lose my all time high score in the process so I decided to build something to counter that, a portable power pack that would enable me to keep going strong.  The people who would like my power pack made for them will get one if I decide to start mass producing them, but ONLY under the provision that they stay original and are NOT modified in any way, shape or form.  If they don't abide by what I say and the product fails or malfunctions, they will not get another one and will be put very high on my enemies list.  Only the people that know the true value of an ORIGINAL product and know what it is to have something stay original and unadulterated will get one of my products, the other mod-happy buggers can do without because they'd only change it to suit their own personal needs.  I myself prefer a stock original Atari 2600 with the simple BASIC CX-40 joystick it was designed for and any of the other 3rd party controlers that were ORIGINALLY made for it under the licensing agreement between themselves AND the Atari Corporation.  I have way of getting my Atari 2600 to do what I want it to do without any modifications to the original unit and my methods are tried and true.  If anyone wants further info on my power pack, the messengers I use are listed, so go ahead and use them!






The 2600 isn't perfect, you know. BTW, if you don't wanna get banned, you better wise up. Some people... :roll:

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@ RichG - I think you are taking this WAY too seriously. I only converted the NES controller because it is easier to use. You are making it sound like I want to denounce atari and try to change the whole thing. That is just stupid. I love atari and I play it way more than my NES, but I will still never liked the cx40 OR the Atari "NES style" 7800 controller. I have heard nothing but bad things about those. and they have a lot higher fail rate than nes pads.


and the comment about not being able to find NES conrollers anymore. That is easily proved wrong by walking into a thrift store or a pawn shop and seeing the, nearly hundreds of nes controllers. and I only need to pay at most 1 or 2 dollars for them, I see people paying up to 30 dollars for a single atari joystick. Plus not to mention the 25+ NES conrollers I have sitting around :roll: :ponder:

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I never said that NES controllers couldn't be found anymore, I said that the replacement PARTS couldn't be found anymore, there is a difference, while yes the controllers are still available in thrift shops etc, they are no longer being produced for the mass market. Hell I had to place a special order through Nintendo just a few months ago to get my hands on a brand new NES Zapper, but my point is, the parts in other words the INNARDS for an NES style game pad are not being produced anymore so little by little they will become more difficult to find. However the innard for the CX-40 can still be found and are still being produced even if it isn't by the actual ATARI company anymore they are being built to the same quality standards that Atari knew back then. The main difference between the NES and Atari controllers is this, the NES controllers employ a series of rubber and magnetic contact points and an obscene amount of neoprene rubber inside their housings, once the magnets eventually de-polarize (and this does happen because I have equipment for testing the controllers and checking the polarity of the contact points) the controllers are virtually useless, the Atari controllers have solder points overlaid by aluminum or even steel contacts in theirs, now the ORIGINAL CX-40 which employed a series of microswitches in the casing and had a superior design over the later mass production line spinoffs plus they could handle more abuse, in my opinion had a better response time over the later wafer circuitboard CX-40's and I'm sure that some if any of you will grant me at least THAT much. I myself have an electronics business in the area in which I live but mine is different from a lot of them out there. I am in the business to restore and preserve the 2600 in it's original form. What we as Atari enthusiasts should do is this, design the ultimate CX-40 joystick, one that looks like the original CX-40, but yet at the same time has the responsiveness and the versatility of the NES control pad so what we basically need to do is this:


Break the NES control pad down into it's baseline components and analyze just WHAT it is that makes the controller so much more responsive than some of the others out there, second, redesign the circuitboard to incorporate some of those elements like for instance:


Design a new circuitboard to be in functionality like that of the NES control pad circuitboard but yet retaining somewhat most of the original layout and appearance with the indiviual contact points on it instead of pressure point contacts, then design a new inner handle with the magnet contacts on the bottom instead of the standard nubs to contact the pressure points, then on the fire button spring bottom attach a magnet contact to IT, and then permanently secure the spring to the fire button so that when pressed the magnet would come in contact with the corresponding point on the board which would add to the fire button's responsiveness. Best of all the new board would hook up to the same terminals that the original boards did, or it could even be done as a retrofit kit, in fact if you all want, I'll design a prototype and any of you that want to be beta testers for it can let me know. The joystick would retain the appearance of the original CX-40 as always but have the responsiveness that everyone craves. I say I'll design it as a retrofit kit, so that if you want to go back to the original CX-40 elements you can, it's not gonna be a hardwired thing, this way everybody is happy. Does this sound like a fair compromise?



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I understand that the nes inside parts will start to get more rare just like atari's did after they stopped making them. So what is stopping the same thing with nes pads? Aftermarket companies will see a need for repair parts for them or just whole new ones. Just like they did with the atari metal domes and such. It is just that NES isn't as old as atari so the parts arent as rare yet, once they are as hard to find as atari joysticks the same parts market should open up for the nes contrllers also. ;)


Just to make this clear, I will never use any joystick ever again, except for a very few games where it is better. I tried to play with one not too long ago and, as other people have said about nes pads, "feels wierd" to me.

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Aha! That's where I have you my friend, Nintendo itself, not the NES was actually around LONGER than Atari, in fact the Nintendo company itself is over 100 years old and was producing coin-ops before Atari was so in that aspect Atari is actually newer than Nintendo is, but before Nintendo produced the coin-op machines they were a producer of plastic coated playing cards. How old are you anyway? It could be the fact that you were raised on the NES that makes you biased on the CX-40, don't get me wrong I have 4 Atari 2600's and my original NES but I would no more combine their technology than I'd breed one of my cats with a zebra, the two simply don't mix in my opinion, but thy will be done. I also have something in my possession more rare than the heavy sixer and that's my Polaroid SX-70 model 2 camera, which I am keeping original as well, I would no more modify THAT than I would any of my systems because it just in my opion states that people never really truly like what they buy unless they can do something that makes it their own and to their specifications, it's like saying that the people at Atari made substandard equipment which simply isn't true, if it was how could my father's Atari have been in a fire that was over 400 degrees and still come through it would a single defect in it and retains ALL the original hardware and functionality that it did before? Go ahead and play with your modified NES controllers I personally really don't care what you do, but you will never convince me that a hybrid controller is any better than a CX-40, and there are those on this board who share my opinion that the CX-40 and it's predecessors are the only true controllers and if they'd like to try out my retro kit, I'll even give it to them for nothing and not ask any money for them, and I'll even throw in a power pack for good measure when I start producing them again. And for those of you who do not know what an SX-70 is, here it is in all it's glory:



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IMHO, systems that are released with their controllers deserve to remain that way if a system was manufactured with a controller it should use that controller, because thats the controller it was made for!!


I have NO problem, with you modding a system to use anothers controller but you are taking the originality away!!


I can understand modding a 5200 or an Intellivision to use better controller thats not because you wanted to thats because its a nessecity to do it.


Again as I said modding is WRONG but NOT ILLEGAL so you can do it but you are pushing a system to do or use something it was not made for it takes the fun of playing the system or owning it because now its not the original machine its something ele you created and you all it your own...


If you want keep on modding


It doesnt seem right to me, Richards Ideas are original he is not modding a system, alls he is doing is creating a special power supply and designing a better circuitboard for the Atari Joysticks



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haha. This has just turned into a shouting match for crazy people :D

Can I play?



I ONLY use a CX-40 to play atari games not a stoopid japanese nintendo pad why? because GOD HIMSELF told me to that's why. If the good lord had intended us to use nintendo all the time he wouldn't have invented the virtual boy and made us all get big headaches which is what I get with a nintendo pad because the edges are too sharp and they dent my forehead when I'm bouncing off the walls singing Hallelujiah for all the non-japanese things in the world except computers and all because they came from England ( :D ). Is it time for my nap now? I only want regulation US Army pillows this time not your cheap far-eastern microfibre crap.....



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haha.  This has just turned into a shouting match for crazy people :D

Can I play?



I ONLY use a CX-40 to play atari games not a stoopid japanese nintendo pad why? because GOD HIMSELF told me to that's why.  If the good lord had intended us to use nintendo all the time he wouldn't have invented the virtual boy and made us all get big headaches which is what I get with a nintendo pad because the edges are too sharp and they dent my forehead when I'm bouncing off the walls singing Hallelujiah for all the non-japanese things in the world except computers and all because they came from England ( :D ).  Is it time for my nap now?  I only want regulation US Army pillows this time not your cheap far-eastern microfibre crap.....  





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I would no more modify THAT than I would any of my systems


Who is talking about modifying thier system :?


You don't need to modify the atari to use the nes controllers on them, duh! All you need to do is put an atari wire on the NES controller.


I would NEVER modify my atari's :| What do you think I am, stupid or something :P

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FYI everyone,


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is caused by a constant, rapid fire repetitive motion that is employed over and over again over a long period of time, if Nintendo had thought their controllers were meant to be cross compatible with the Atari 2600 they would have designed them as such, don't be combining Japanese technology with technology that was conceptualized by true red-blooded americans, The Atari 2600 was conceptualized by an american man and designed to operate at very specific parameters.  I firmly stand by that ages old saying "If it ain't broke DON'T fix it!"  And as for beating thrust with a CX-40, it can be done, those of you who say it can't are only doubting yourselves plus your own reflexes.  And furthermore, the contacts and replacement parts for the NES controllers can no longer be bought so where are you gonna be when your NES controllers finally fail?  On the other hand, replacement parts for the CX-40's and any other LICENSED joysticks that were MEANT to be compatible with the Atari 2600 can still be found.  I'm not for trying to convert the Atari 2600 into an NES wanna be, but for those of you who prefer the gamepad Atari MADE one back in the 80's and a friend of mine HAS a supply of them left, and it's an ATARI licensed product.  What's next huh?  Trying to get the atari to open wide enough to accept NES cartridges?  This place is starting to become more of a "Nolan Bushnell didn't make the Atari 2600 good enough so let's see what WE can do to correct the old man's mistakes" club.  I praise innovation but not when it comes to hacking apart someone's life's work, if this keeps up there will be no Atari 2600's left original and where will be his legacy?  Only in memories and tapes of old commercials?  We as consumers bought this system to play it and enjoy it, not to turn it into the next "Radio Shack Science Fair 300-in-1 Project Kit".  I mean no disrespect to Albert because I personally don't see him doing any of this, but I have made my views known on modifications and converting other things into something they were not designed to be.  Do you think if I were to put my "Atari 2600 Portable Power Pack" on the market I would just stand by and allow someone else to modify it to what THEY wanted it to be?  Hell no, if I sold it to someone and they started doing that I'd sue them for everything they had without a moment's hesitation.  And just so you know, the "Atari 2600 Power Pack" does exist and I have the only working prototype.  Modifying someone else's work and calling it your own is not very far from what an artist would call plagiarism if someone took one of his drawings, added something to it and claimed it was their work. NONE OF YOU designed the NES controller and NONE OF YOU designed the Atari 2600, so adding something to it doesn't make it a "Brand new product", all it does is butcher the old one.  Now if there are those of you who genuinely WANT my "Atari 2600 Power Pack", sure I'll make one up for you, I made it in the 80's because at the time where I lived, power outages and surges were at a premium, meaning they happened quite often and I'd lose my all time high score in the process so I decided to build something to counter that, a portable power pack that would enable me to keep going strong.  The people who would like my power pack made for them will get one if I decide to start mass producing them, but ONLY under the provision that they stay original and are NOT modified in any way, shape or form.  If they don't abide by what I say and the product fails or malfunctions, they will not get another one and will be put very high on my enemies list.  Only the people that know the true value of an ORIGINAL product and know what it is to have something stay original and unadulterated will get one of my products, the other mod-happy buggers can do without because they'd only change it to suit their own personal needs.  I myself prefer a stock original Atari 2600 with the simple BASIC CX-40 joystick it was designed for and any of the other 3rd party controlers that were ORIGINALLY made for it under the licensing agreement between themselves AND the Atari Corporation.  I have way of getting my Atari 2600 to do what I want it to do without any modifications to the original unit and my methods are tried and true.  If anyone wants further info on my power pack, the messengers I use are listed, so go ahead and use them!






The 2600 isn't perfect, you know. BTW, if you don't wanna get banned, you better wise up. Some people... :roll:


:lol: banned? wtf? Did you actually read his post? :?

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FYI everyone,


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is caused by a constant, rapid fire repetitive motion that is employed over and over again over a long period of time, if Nintendo had thought their controllers were meant to be cross compatible with the Atari 2600 they would have designed them as such, don't be combining Japanese technology with technology that was conceptualized by true red-blooded americans, The Atari 2600 was conceptualized by an american man and designed to operate at very specific parameters.  I firmly stand by that ages old saying "If it ain't broke DON'T fix it!"  And as for beating thrust with a CX-40, it can be done, those of you who say it can't are only doubting yourselves plus your own reflexes.  And furthermore, the contacts and replacement parts for the NES controllers can no longer be bought so where are you gonna be when your NES controllers finally fail?  On the other hand, replacement parts for the CX-40's and any other LICENSED joysticks that were MEANT to be compatible with the Atari 2600 can still be found.  I'm not for trying to convert the Atari 2600 into an NES wanna be, but for those of you who prefer the gamepad Atari MADE one back in the 80's and a friend of mine HAS a supply of them left, and it's an ATARI licensed product.  What's next huh?  Trying to get the atari to open wide enough to accept NES cartridges?  This place is starting to become more of a "Nolan Bushnell didn't make the Atari 2600 good enough so let's see what WE can do to correct the old man's mistakes" club.  I praise innovation but not when it comes to hacking apart someone's life's work, if this keeps up there will be no Atari 2600's left original and where will be his legacy?  Only in memories and tapes of old commercials?  We as consumers bought this system to play it and enjoy it, not to turn it into the next "Radio Shack Science Fair 300-in-1 Project Kit".  I mean no disrespect to Albert because I personally don't see him doing any of this, but I have made my views known on modifications and converting other things into something they were not designed to be.  Do you think if I were to put my "Atari 2600 Portable Power Pack" on the market I would just stand by and allow someone else to modify it to what THEY wanted it to be?  Hell no, if I sold it to someone and they started doing that I'd sue them for everything they had without a moment's hesitation.  And just so you know, the "Atari 2600 Power Pack" does exist and I have the only working prototype.  Modifying someone else's work and calling it your own is not very far from what an artist would call plagiarism if someone took one of his drawings, added something to it and claimed it was their work. NONE OF YOU designed the NES controller and NONE OF YOU designed the Atari 2600, so adding something to it doesn't make it a "Brand new product", all it does is butcher the old one.  Now if there are those of you who genuinely WANT my "Atari 2600 Power Pack", sure I'll make one up for you, I made it in the 80's because at the time where I lived, power outages and surges were at a premium, meaning they happened quite often and I'd lose my all time high score in the process so I decided to build something to counter that, a portable power pack that would enable me to keep going strong.  The people who would like my power pack made for them will get one if I decide to start mass producing them, but ONLY under the provision that they stay original and are NOT modified in any way, shape or form.  If they don't abide by what I say and the product fails or malfunctions, they will not get another one and will be put very high on my enemies list.  Only the people that know the true value of an ORIGINAL product and know what it is to have something stay original and unadulterated will get one of my products, the other mod-happy buggers can do without because they'd only change it to suit their own personal needs.  I myself prefer a stock original Atari 2600 with the simple BASIC CX-40 joystick it was designed for and any of the other 3rd party controlers that were ORIGINALLY made for it under the licensing agreement between themselves AND the Atari Corporation.  I have way of getting my Atari 2600 to do what I want it to do without any modifications to the original unit and my methods are tried and true.  If anyone wants further info on my power pack, the messengers I use are listed, so go ahead and use them!






The 2600 isn't perfect, you know. BTW, if you don't wanna get banned, you better wise up. Some people... :roll:


:lol: banned? wtf? Did you actually read his post? :?


Well, he was being very arrogant in his post, so...

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When I'm playing Atari, I am kind of a slut for joysticks. I am a big fan of different gaming hardware peripherals and I really like Sega's controllers while playing Atari. I've never felt a need to be a purist by staying with Atari's joysticks. I think you should use whatever is comfortable to you. I've found that a lot of the 3rd party joysticks produced specifically for the VCS are pretty flimsy. I do like the original joysticks and paddles/driving controllers though. There is one 3rd party joystick that I really liked a lot back in the day, but I have never been able to track it down. It is a smaller sized joystick (probably only 65% of the regular joystick size), black, and with orange or red arrows around the edges like an Arcade joystick overlay. It has a small red or orange ball... and it provided for excellent control. If anyone knows what this is, please send me a message! It may have been made for the C64... I'm really not sure.


As for the NES controller mod - wouldn't it be just as easy to buy a Sega Master System gamepad and use it instead? I realize that the original gamepads are are different from the NES's, but Sega produced a later model that was almost exactly the same except for color and appearance.



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