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How many of you use only 1970's - 80's era controllers?

Adrian M

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I wasn't neccessarily being arrogant I was just being matter of fact and while I may be out of line with the "red blooded americans" remark, the original 6 switch 2600 was conceptualized, designed and built right here in the USA with no outside help from the Japanese, in SUNNYVALE CALIFORNIA to be sure, whereas the original NES as well as it's predecessor which came out a couple years BEFORE the NES called the Famicom emerged on the scene and was the invention and the concept of the Japanese alone. By modifying their NES controllers, what we are readlly doing is (and maybe not directly) lining their own pockets and taking away from ours in the Atari industry (at least that's how I see it). Does anyone here at least see what I am getting at? Once again I am not being arrogant in the least, I am just stating a fact.



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I wasn't neccessarily being arrogant I was just being matter of fact and while I may be out of line with the "red blooded americans" remark, the original 6 switch 2600 was conceptualized, designed and built right here in the USA with no outside help from the Japanese, in SUNNYVALE CALIFORNIA to be sure, whereas the original NES as well as it's predecessor which came out a couple years BEFORE the NES called the Famicom emerged on the scene and was the invention and the concept of the Japanese alone.  By modifying their NES controllers, what we are readlly doing is (and maybe not directly) lining their own pockets and taking away from ours in the Atari industry (at least that's how I see it).  Does anyone here at least see what I am getting at?  Once again I am not being arrogant in the least, I am just stating a fact.




You are also stating a lot of facts everyone already knows. I (and probly everyone here) knows the atari came out in 77-78 and was made in sunnyvale CA. Also I am sure everyone knows about the fanmicom. It is all just common knowledge that you are stating. And I am not too impressed with your enormous posts. I get about half way thru and it is all stuff I already know.

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If anyone wants them I have the following but no console:


2 Sega Master System controllers (original style), the Sega Master System Light Gun, a Sega Master System controller that looks like a cross between a joystick and a gamepad, and a slip in Sega Master System add on, (memory card maybe? It has some kind of jack on it I think), anyone interested?



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If anyone wants them I have the following but no console:


2 Sega Master System controllers (original style), the Sega Master System Light Gun, a Sega Master System controller that looks like a cross between a joystick and a gamepad, and a slip in Sega Master System add on, (memory card maybe?  It has some kind of jack on it I think), anyone interested?




That add-on you mentioned is the adapter for the 3-D glasses. You can't use them without the adapter.

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I have NO problem, with you modding a system to use anothers controller but you are taking the originality away!!


If you want keep on modding



So you think you need to modify the atari to use nes controllers too :?


My atari is 100% ORIGINAL :twisted:


I was thinking of something else at the moment sorry, it does sound a bit stupid now that you mention it

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RichG1972 helped me find those joysticks I was asking about earlier. Now that I know the name - I'm finding that they are everywhere. It's funny... I must have typed in the description a million times with no luck.


The joysticks are Suncom's Slik Stik and Starfighter:

(I haven't used them in years, but I remember them being soooo nice!)

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Rich said way too much to quote . . .


Yes, the 2600 isn't perfect . . . But the good old CX-40 is . . . Simply put, the controls are why the 2600 basically outlasted every other eight-bit system, even the NES . . .


So I say, build something to the gold standard of the original heavy sixer stick (They were better, and like the system itself, just have a little more cachet than the later ones), make it USB, give it three more buttons, and you have the perfect PC controller . . . What sucks is not that people mod other controllers for the 2600 (although I would never actually do this), it's that you can't really convert the best controller ever made for anything else, because they all have more than one button . . .


And who can find a 7800 pad? I've seen them, I've tried them, and they were about as good as the Pro-Line . . . They sucked. But I don't think in years of market-crawling that I've EVER seen one . . . I, however, know where two working ones are . . .

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  • 3 weeks later...
I like the Epyx.  (Trust me, from a previous thread that I posted about Epyx joysticks, I am now QUITE aware that I'm the only one who likes them! :) )  .


I'm new to this message board but I have been collecting 2600 stuff for quite a few years now (had one when I was a kid).


I have a 6-switch 2600, a 4-switch 2600 and a Coleco Gemini.


Don't worry, you're not the only person that likes Epyx joysticks.. I can't play properly without one, the 2600 joysticks bite. :D


I had a TacII (clone of the Slik Stik I think) for my Commodore 64 at one time and I loved that thing, very precise and held up far better than anything else. Too bad it finally wore out.



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I like using my Wico command control, since I am a strict lefty. But I can manage alright with regular CX-40s. I am thinking about building my own arcade style controller for my 2600. I'm going to put both left and right sticks on the same box so playing Stargate wont be quite as difficult :roll:

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I use two different jotsticks. The Wico command controll and the Suncom Slik Stik. I use Suncom alot but since I have big hands and its so small it cramps my hands after awhile, the wico on the other hand is comfortable for hours (no hand cramps after 6 hours). I have never used a nes pad but would feel no shame from ripping one apart to hack it. Its hard to feel bad about it when the local thrifts have literally hundreds of them piled on a shelf and sell'em for $0.50.


As for the guy braging about his "prototype" for an atari power pack.... Big deal. You can make one from parts at radio shack for like five bucks.


Also, I would never tear apart my atari to try to improve it (its perfect how it is) but when someone buys something it is his/her right to do with it as they please (even your precious power pack). If I feel the need to convert my atari into a vibrator/short wave radio, by god I'll do it. If i want to mod an x-box to play burned games I'll do that to. Point is I buy it, it mine to do with as i please.



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It is all what you are used to.  

Not entirely true. My 2 systems growing up were a Vectrex, which had a left-handed thumbstick, and a 99/4a, which had ambidextrious blocks of shit.


Then I got an SNES. Then an NES. THEN I got my VCS.

So most of my learning experience has been with left-handed controllers. Usually gamepads, too. Though my NES came with an Advantage joystick.



I vastly prefer joysticks to gamepads for most purposes. They feel more natural to me.

This isn't to say I never use gamepads. Some games really are better with a good gamepad. Usually slower ones. I usually keep a few controllers on hand so I have the right tool for whatever job faces me.




And I will never be able to understand why everyone's rolled over and accepted the japanese left-handed directionals.


Using ambidextrious joysticks and the same game so there's no bias, I do consistently and signifigantly better with my right-hand on the stick than my left hand in any game that requires signifigant directional work.




Same applies to left-handed joysticks VS left-handed gamepads.


It's gotten to the point where I literally refuse to play some games if a joystick isn't available, because there's just that large a diffrence in my performance. I just get frustrated knowing I can do better than that if my controller would just get out of my way. And it's no fun if I'm just getting mad at myself and the controller and the game and everything else convenient.




Personally, I think the conformity that's run through the industry, especially in the PlayStation and up, has really hurt things.


The NES had a jillion diffrent controllers. Most of them were so screwed up they were more useful as modern art than as game controllers, but some were pretty good devices(usually more conventional devices, like the Advantage joystick). Either way, there was something for everyone.


You wouldn't HEAR this complaint then, because there were enough joysticks(left- and right-handed), gamepads, and as many novelty devices as there were manufacturers(baseless sticks with mercury switches, devices that tracked your hand through infrared or ultrasound, pseudo-trackballs, et cetera) that everyone that actually cared could find a controller they liked easily.



Now, finding something that doesn't look exactly like the controller that comes with the console is an exercise in frustration.





I seem to have rambled a bit.

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I still use CX-40 joysticks once in a great while. I limit the useage on them because I only have two. Mostly I use my Wico bat style stick. It's really durable and seems to be very precise.


Back in the day, all I would use is the Slik-Stik. I must have gone through 6 or 7 of those. Play 'em hard, until they wouldn't work. I would make last ditch efforts to revive the contacts before rendering it useless and buying a another. But (for me) talk about precision, man those things were great! I envy all who still have the Slik-Stik! (performs bowing now)


I'm not at all against using various forms of controllers. If I had a converted NES gamepad, hell ya I'd try it out! The more gadgets I have the better!


BTW, what are the words "CX" and the number "40". Acronyms for something?

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I don't think I actually HAVE any good CX-40s.


I usually use a QuickShot. Less so now that the base button has failed, making it limited to game I think play well with a pistol-grip(there's a duplicate button on top of the stick). I like the mechanism on it.


I've got a lousy selection of sticks. CX-40s, GemSticks, Gemini controllers, the above-mentioned QuickShot, and a Wico trackball.


Recently got a 7800 stick I need to test(hey, I like other "bad" controllers, why not this one?), but due to technical difficulties(the VCR between it and the AV monitor I was using failed), my VCS isn't actually hooked up right now.

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