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atarihq and jag interactive


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Havn't seen any recent posts about JI2 being hosed... Does anyone know what's going on? Does anyone care...?

The AtariHQ server has run out of space. Therefore the JI2 board

cannot function, I cannot even upload a page saying "Sorry, JI2

down pending more space!" because it's too full. There is nothing

I can do about this, my authority runs only to developing JI2 there.


I hope they can come up with a solution, I've tried to help do so.

It's sad to see my traditional favourite board incapacitated still...




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Havn't seen any recent posts about JI2 being hosed... Does anyone know what's going on? Does anyone care...?

The AtariHQ server has run out of space.


Sounds like they need to get more space either by buying it or clearing off unneeded files. Of course, the longer JI2 is down, the more likely people won't go back... :roll:

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When I go to JI2, I see the top of the board, but get a message "an error occured while processing this directive," and no threads show on the board.


The classic forum seems to be operating, though.


UPDATE: I just made a test post on the classic forum. No apparent problems.

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Too bad they never took me up on the offer to host there board a few years ago.  We have been doing the NUON-Dome forum for a while now with no problems.  At least there is this forum and the Atari Explorer one.  In the past there were very few alternatives...


Yep, in fact my entire site is hosted with the help of The Helper. He really earns his name :)



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I came here wondering what happened to JI2, as I've been checking it for a couple days now. I guess this answers my question. I'm sorry to hear that they are out of space, and I hope they can get that resolved soon. I wonder what kind of hosting they are using, as hosting is pretty cheap now. 800 MB for $8 a month. I was never a frequent poster at JI2, but I used to read it all the time. I remember back before all the fighting, it was a great forum.


I was also disappointed to see that my web site, The Atarian Atmosphere, had been removed from the list of links. I know it hasn't been updated since like 2000, but that's no excuse. :D Actually I hope I can get it put back once the site is working again, as I'm working on a major update. I'm redesigning the whole site, with phpBB at its core for easier updating. I even updated my site to list out my plans. :) I just need a little cash to move my site to a host that supports php.

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On 12/21/2003 at 6:46 PM, justclaws said:



Another thought... but I feel rude to talk about JI2 on another.

Note the correct URL is:



Incidentally, there is an archive. It's under-wraps for now, but

once available will give per-thread and per-month availability

of most posts ...





We present to you this necro-bump to share my first thread that Atariage remembers me replying to.  According to this thread January 28th of next year will be my 20th anniversary on Atariage.  Fun!  :) 


The above quoted was not my first reply, that is later in the thread, but I had fun with this part of the thread as you'll see in a second.


I really have found memories of Jaguar Interactive II and AtariHQ as my earliest Atari Jaguar website when I first got a Jag.

It was funny to click the link above which ACTUALLY STILL WORKS!...  😮



Ah that brought back memories from 2000.   And then you click the link on THAT page and get a error 404.


I am curious if the archive of the messages was ever made available as mentioned in the part I quoted above.   Would be fun to read that.



Edited by doctorclu
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