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In Search of a Working 7800


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Hello! Would anyone know where to find a working 7800? I have bought 2 off of ebay neither worked well one did for almost 30 sec. Basically was told by the sellers what are you trying to pull they worked when they left here (yes I insured as well but doesnt seem to be helping) at any rate I have also bought quite a few games both for the 2600 and the 7800 and really want to play. I am not a techie, have no idea how to fix these, dont even want to try, I just want one that works. Does anyone know of a place on line (I have tried all my local game stores no one goes back farther than the N 64) I can buy one perhaps where someone else has bought from before and knows they sell working units? Thanks so much for your time, the newbie.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys!

I have found that the micro switches in the front of the 7800 are it's achilles' heel. About half of all 7800 consoles I have bought over the years have at least one of the front switches not working. ie. Power, Pause, Select or Reset. I know you don't want to have to fix them, but that might be your best choice. Maybe you have a friend with a soldering iron. ;o)

I have purchased consoles that seemed to be completely dead, but only needed a cheap switch replacement.

cheers ....... gp :)

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