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Why is it that the 2600 looks nothing like the 5200 and 7800


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Ain't that the truth! Almost everything after had some sort of unused port. It's funny the ppl develop these systems with such expandability, and then never fully tap into them. Well at least the CV was used!


Note to Self. Read deeper before posting......(Sorry)



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I used the expansion port on my Super Nintendo. I've got one of those Exertainment Stationary Bicycles hooked up to it. They were supposed to release a whole line of games to play with the bike, but never did. It seemed to die out quickly and was very expensive, but I like it! Anyone else ever seen one of these?

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I used the expansion port on my Super Nintendo.  I've got one of those Exertainment Stationary Bicycles hooked up to it.  They were supposed to release a whole line of games to play with the bike, but never did.  It seemed to die out quickly and was very expensive, but I like it!  Anyone else ever seen one of these?


Are you serious dude? That doesn't sound too real....

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As for the 2600, who here really prefers the jr.?  (Not I.)


I prefer the original style, personally. The older units command more a presence and are instantly recognizable due to their unique shape, colors and textures. Also, I like the switches better on the older units, as well as the cartridge port (I've managed to break the plastic prongs on 2600 Jr. units more than once).



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I used the expansion port on my Super Nintendo.  I've got one of those Exertainment Stationary Bicycles hooked up to it.  They were supposed to release a whole line of games to play with the bike, but never did.  It seemed to die out quickly and was very expensive, but I like it!  Anyone else ever seen one of these?


Are you serious dude? That doesn't sound too real....


Yes they were real. It came with some sort of game that monitored you. It was supposed to be a sort of exercise program to help people get fit. I don't know how many were sold but it was a real product.

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Sorry if I offended anybody with a simple question. :|  I'm just saying that the 5200 and 7800 look somewhat the same and the 2600 looks nothing like them.



The 5200/7800 were designed in the same time period. 5200 was 1982 and 7800 was 1983-84, so the style was almost exactly the same.


In contrast, the 2600 Woodgrain was designed in 1976-77... 5 years earlier when woodgrain was in vogue.


See, if you study the "look" of electronics, you'll notice that they all look basically the same during certain periods. The late 70s was the woodgrain look with black plastic and woodgrain panels pasted to the front of everything (2600 and TVs and stereos). The early 80s was black with silver highlights (5200/7800). Late 80's was a transition period, and 90s was just flat black (stereos, TVs) or cream color (computers). Now in the 2000s, electronics are returning to the black and silver combination.


So anyway, the 2600 was built in the Woodgrain era and the 5200/7800 were built in the Black w/ Silver Highlights era.

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