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Various controllers and Thrust+


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One of my Xmas gifts to myself was Thrust+ from the AA store. It kicks legions of ass as you all know. I've been having a lot of fun and have been trying out various controllers with it.


I tried it with the driving controller and an Amiga Joyboard. Not a good combo. The joyboard makes it impossible to control the thrust and shields. I may be ordering a footcontroller from AA soon instead.


I tried a Sega Genny pad which works for most games but not Thrust. The ship just thrusts contantly and you either fly off into space or crash really quickly. No good on the Genny pad.


The SMS pad worked well which I thought was weird since the Genny pad didn't.


My O2 stick modified for Atari worked best of all. The looseness of the O2 sticks just fits well with Thrust.


So anybody else try some weird controller combos for Thrust or any other game?

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I just got Thrust+ Platinum too, and I'm primarily playing it exclusively with the joystick. What I'd REALLY like to try is the Booster Grip control option. I think that would lend itself well to Thrust.


The fool that I am, I passed on the footpedal option when I bought the game, but now I think I see the potential when you pair it with a good driving controller.

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I am using the footpedals and driving controller. If you think the game is fun already - just wait. Once you try the footpedal/DC combination, you'll be hooked all over again. I doubt if I'll ever finish the game this way (Who am I kidding? I'm not good enough to finish with a joystick either), but the footpedal and DC involve you in the game like you wouldn't believe. Too cool.


I would like to try it with the Booster Grip control - but I don't have one yet. Some day... :-)


BTW - the footpedal is worth the money if only to play Thrust. But I would definitely like to get some DC hacks as well.



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I tried a Sega Genny pad which works for most games but not Thrust.  The ship just thrusts contantly and you either fly off into space or crash really quickly.  No good on the Genny pad.


I noticed this as well when testing a bunch of games using a Genesis pad. I had to unplug it and put a normal joystick in. :)


The SMS pad worked well which I thought was weird since the Genny pad didn't.


The Genesis pad is wired up a touch differently electrically, in order to support the additional buttons.



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I will keep this short and sweet. I use a modified NES controller for all my atari gaming needs, and it just so happens that is what I beat thrust with. I don't want to start a big controller bitching match, but that is what I like and I don't think thrust would be to easy with a joystick. Especially one that is as sloppy as the cx-40.


Good luck on all of you who just got it, it is a great game.


Maybe it is time to start another thrust contest, :ponder: "The second person to beat thrust" :D

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Did you modify the NES pad or buy it from somewhere?


I have modified probly 10 or more of them and sold them on ebay for a while. I don't have any more parts for them right now, but it really isn't too hard to do if you are handy with a soldering iron. ;)


I've done a few sticks myself but haven't tried a NES pad. I'm messing with a 5200 stick idea I have at the moment but maybe the NES conversion will be my project after that.

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Did you modify the NES pad or buy it from somewhere?


I have modified probly 10 or more of them and sold them on ebay for a while. I don't have any more parts for them right now, but it really isn't too hard to do if you are handy with a soldering iron. ;)


I will second this, I modified an NES controller recently and it's pretty easy to do. All you need is a joystick cable, the NES control pad and some tools (soldering iron, solder wick / desoldering tool, wire cutters / strippers). Doesn't take very long and the results are pretty satisfying, at least if you like the NES control pad. :)



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  • 2 weeks later...

Do any of the "real arcade controller" companies make an LRTF(H) five button controller? I'd take a keyboard or USB one even, if I couldn't get a 2600-compatible one.... I've long since given up on trying to find something like the Starplex, and that seems like the ideal setup for Thrust.

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I am currently trying to beat the super expert level, Game 4. This one is nearly impossible and there is still one whole level that I have never seen (even on game 2).


I only beat it on Game 3, which is pretty easy for me now. :P


There has also been some talk about patches for thrust. I sure hope they come out and get people to try and beat it.

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Look, I know this is sick, but my copy from Jahfish is still in its unopened box, I just don't have the time to play it yet, but it is on the top of my list when I have one dam minuet of free time for my self, as I am writing this, my son is throwing his hot wheels cars around the room and my 11 month old daughter is on my right arm trying to push the key board off of my computer desk.


:roll: :sad: :sad:

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