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Trakball games


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Sega Sportspad controller also works great with some game provided the trackball controller is in Joystick mode.


Add to the list: Reactor. You could also play Football with the trackball controller like the arcade version.


PS some of the trackball controller's ball are the same size as the pool ball. Replace that drab white back with something like an 8 ball.

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I've never understood the difference between your MC hack with proper TB control and the standard one in JSTK mode.....


Can someone explain that to me?



I don't own the trackball but I think it just emulates the joystick which only goes in 8 directions. I don't know if I am right about this. But I do own Missile Command (Amiga Mouse) and it plays just like the arcade with very precision controls. (just like a regular mouse)


I don't think the trackball in joystick mode could do anything that the joystick couldn't do (i.e. - go in more than 8 directions)

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The directions are not the big problem, even a trakball in joystick mode can mix x and y movements. But the speed and the precision make the difference.


With a real trakball, you can move to any point on the screen within a fraction of a second. And just like with paddles in 1D you can hit that 2D point very precisely.


An emulated trakball moves with a quite slow and constant speed which was designed for joystick control.

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