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Good price for 2600


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I'm interested in purchasing a 2600 so I can get the synth & drum machine carts from the store here. I'd also like to get my hands on space invaders and a few other games ;).


My question is, what is a good price to pay for the console and where are some good resources. I've seen them going for anywhere from $9.99 to $249.99. I tried ebay, but I'm worried about the quality of the console. I'm not collecting for money or anything, I'm collecting to play the hell out of the games I'm interested in ;). But, I'd still like to have a clean & working console.


Thanks in advance for any help you may be able to provide!

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Excellent service. No problems with products or delivery. Consoles are clean and shipped in like-new shape and "reasonably" priced. No complaints from anything I ever ordered from them.


I have purchased and Atari 2600 4-switch Woodgrain as well as an Atari 7800 - both were sent fast and in near-mint condition. I was *very* satisifed.


No promises though! LOL...Your millage may vary...But I'm pretty certain you will be pleased.

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