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Yars' Revenge was supposed to be like this.....


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Yah, sorry. I got quick to respond because sometimes I think that everyone on the boards uses or is familiar with emulators. I had assumed that you'd misunderstood LostMonkey when he mentioned the sound samples. So I posted to poke a bit of fun... and maybe point out what he was saying. Right after I posted, I realized that it might be possible that you weren't all that familiar with Mame. So, I edited my post with the link. As it turns out, I was wrong either way. HAHA!


Anyways, I'm a moron. Don't listen to me.

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Yah, sorry.  I got quick to respond because sometimes I think that everyone on the boards uses or is familiar with emulators.  I had assumed that you'd misunderstood LostMonkey when he mentioned the sound samples.  So I posted to poke a bit of fun...  and maybe point out what he was saying.  Right after I posted, I realized that it might be possible that you weren't all that familiar with Mame.  So, I edited my post with the link.  As it turns out, I was wrong either way.  HAHA!  


Anyways, I'm a moron.  Don't listen to me.


Yeah, I just downloaded my 1600 roms from Kazaa, and have never got into the mame scene. I have always had other emulators for the snes and genesis and sms but anyway, thanks for the links. I am off to play a game of Qix :D (I have been adicted to that game for a while on the Atari 8bit, but it is 10 times better on mame)

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BTW.. I've NEVER liked Star Castle (I couldn't understand how some kids could be so good at it :ponder:). I suck at it of course. Haven't played it though in about 20 years....



Yeah, us Star Castle nuts never got along with the Space Invader freaks ;)


I don't know if I could pick one over the other, I played the hell out of both in the early 80's bowling alley days. :D



Another interesting bit of "Star Castle" trivia is that Cinematronics almost pulled the game from distribution when management learned that the background stars were, in fact, an outline of a nude pinup from OUI magazine!

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By the same guy who did Galactic Chase (Galaxian clone-- better than Atari's version).


Thanks for the info! For all these years I thought that the lousy Atari version was the best that the 8Bit had to offer. I found a file to try out on the emulator. It really is a nice translation.


I have got to get around to picking up a SIO2PC cable!

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