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Does it make you sad when....


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Yea it sucks. Having to wait all day, race home. shove some type of nutrients down your gob. then, finally, relax as the title screen of (anything really) pops up, and your rocking.

Me, lately I've developed a routine. Bad I admit, but it satisfies.

8:30, log on the Mac for a little Medal of Honor among some friends of mine.

11:30ish, online group breaks, I slide over to the Atari. Play a few random titles.

12 or 12:30. Time for some NES or Genesis. I alternate


So around 1 or 2 a.m. depending, thats usually how I end my day only to go back to work, sit, wait, to do it all over again!

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they make fun of me at work from playing atari and that i have a big collection (124 games). they say i should play something more today's games but tapper taunts me to go back to the atari over and over again.


Edit: I just got a stocking of candy from work and they put the atari symbol on it... they love me! lol

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Odd thing is I remember also having that obsession in 1980 from school!  Little has changed.


Yes! I remember calling Sears almost daily to learn if a new release had arrived!


I just got a stocking of candy from work and they put the atari symbol on it... they love me!


Nice! Welcome!


Rob Mitchell, Atlanta, GA

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