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Hello. I just wanted to drop a quick hello to everyone. So "hello". I am a long time collector and player of Atari. I own too much and have spent too much and spend too much time with Atari. I am 23 and live in South Carolina. I look forward to my time on the boards. I hope all is well and everyone has a happy holiday season.

~Josh L.

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Welcome aboard (like I said earlier ;) ) !


Make sure to check the FAQ and use the search function of the forum, they are great resources for finding information.


Stick around, there are a lot of very knowledgable people here.


P.S. Don't ever click on a link posted by a user called NE146 !!! :D

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Welcome! You couldn't have picked a better forum to post to. Most everyone here is really friendly. Although I've probably deserved it on countless occasions, I haven't even been flamed once!!!! :-D Seriously though it's a great group - been like a family to me since I moved to Seattle and know no live humans. :-)


P.S. Don't ever click on a link posted by a user called NE146 !!!



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Stick around, there are a lot of very knowledgable people here.


P.S. Don't ever click on a link posted by a user called NE146 !!!  :D


Welcome aboard!


CPUWIZ is correct. NEVER click on a link by NE146. You'll be a happier person for it. :D

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Welcome whackadoo, stick around, you will love it here. I have been here almost 1 year and I am amazed at how much these guys and girls have helped me and how much I have learned about atari and gaming and collecting in general. Awesome community of people, thanks to everyone here at Atari age, you guys rock!!! :D

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Guess I should introduce myself as well, although I'm still primarily in lurker mode. I've always been big on gaming ever since my mother brought home our first 2600 waaaay back when and I've just progressed through the systems as they went. Found Atari Age about a month ago and have been absorbing info ever since. :) Looking into coding for the 2600, but have to get my mind set into the proper way of thinking for it first.



Welcome aboard (like I said earlier ;) ) !  


Make sure to check the FAQ and use the search function of the forum, they are great resources for finding information.


Stick around, there are a lot of very knowledgable people here.



No kidding! My link list is growing daily! :cool:

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