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Who has the skill... and the time.. and is nice enough..


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I have a supercharger that I need modified. I am a klutz and have personally killed one super charger trying to modify it. I had another one killed by someone else trying to modify it.. so..


I have one more left... Any one have the skill, the time, and the good human nature to want to help me? I will pay shipping, shipping back, $ for all parts, a small (you choose) donation fee for your time, and a screwed up-someone tried to modify- supercharger for parts, or to use how ever you wish..


Thanks.. I would be most grateful.. PM me, e-mail, or respond.. those all work :)

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so how did the other ones you tried to modify get "killed" did you overheat the chips and they stopped working or what? If you screwed up when cutting the traces those can be fixed very easily. I modified mine without any problems, although it is some pretty small soldering work with the wires flying all around. You did use the small gate chip right?


I don't beilive it is very easy to "kill" a supercharger while trying to modify it. Maybe I could fix one of the bad ones. Or I could do the good one for you if nobody else wants to.

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