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Laser Blast --- Am I missing something?


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Ok, I've had Laser Blast by Activision on cart for may years now. I quickly became bored of it. I bought the Activision Anthology for PS2 and actually played it to get the unlocks. (Commercial and patch) Now does the game ever get more difficult? Does anything else happen besides blast 3 "tanks", move on, repeat? I wouldnt mind if it sped up and increased in difficulty as the game progressed, but I play and play and play, never lose ships and finally just stop because I get bored.


Am I missing something with this game? It's a David Crane game so I thought that there may be something good I am missing.


(On a side note, on the Activision Anthology, did anyone else notice that the One Million patch is awarded at One Hundred Thousand?)



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I remember being real bad at Laser Blast when it first came out, but when I started playing it on emulation and on Activision Anthology it was a whole lot easier.


I was hoping it got harder too or something different, but after the 20th stage I pretty much guessed that was it.


It's still a fun game though.

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Laser Blast was okay when I was a kid. I played it for hours and hours. You have to remember that there wasn't a whole lot of variety in 2600 games back then. No bosses, no RPG-style quests, no deep gameplay. Since we hadn't seen anything better, we were content with the gameplay at the time.

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You cannot call Laser Blast an early game. It was released in 1981 which was the fifth year of the VCS:2600! Space Invaders and Adventure came out one year before in 1980 for heavens sake!


Laser Blast was one of the 20 carts that I owned from the early days ('77-'83) and the last cart that I bought then. And I have to say that it was the least played of all my carts then. (Well I did return Canyon Bomber to the Sears store because I hated it.)


Anyway what would you wish to change about Laser Blast to make it more challenging?


Rob Mitchell, Atlanta, GA

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Anyway what would you wish to change about Laser Blast to make it more challenging?


I would have produced the cart with a padded case on it, as it is, it's no challenge smashing it to pieces when throwing it against a wall or hitting it with a hammer.

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I dunno. Maybe if they had made the game a little more meaningfull.

After you kill 12 of those tanks you get a little mark that lets you know you did it (similar to Robot tank) and the enemy changes from tanks to Jeeps...Or hell just changes color.... changes to ANYTHING!!!! Maybe start off with some big ass semi's you have to hit and every 12 kills the enemy changes and gets a tad bit smaller and harder to hit. Really anything you did to add variety would spice it up some.... Still it would take a bit to mold it into a must have game.

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You cannot call Laser Blast an early game.  It was released in 1981 which was the fifth year of the VCS:2600!  Space Invaders and Adventure came out one year before in 1980 for heavens sake!

Rob Mitchell, Atlanta, GA


Noone said it was an early release game. They said it was an early/one of the first released ACTIVISION games.

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