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Merry Christmas Everyone!

Rob Mitchell

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Time to go open presents! :D


My 16 yo nephew will be opening several presents this morning: 4 switch console, paddles, three sticks (one WICO bat), and 25 common must have 2600 carts. PS brick too!


Check out the 1962 PDP Spacewar hack in the hacks section! Can you shoot your enemy and resist the increased gravity of the sun? Can you put your ship in a nice circular orbit?


Rob Mitchell, Atlanta, GA

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I got a Canon EOS Rebel 2000 camera from "Santa."


My real christmas comes later in the week, a guy i know is selling me his 2600 (unknown type, Darth Vader i think) and four shoeboxes full of games (not sure which ones, but thats a lot) for $50 :D ...hopefully. I havent talked to him in a few days.

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Merry Christmas everyone, man I had a good one. I got lots of cool things and the coolest thing of all $$$$$ Money $$$$$, also got a pretty interesting book called "High score illistrated history of electronic games" which covers everything from before pong to x box, anyone else have one, its kinda cool. Also went to see lord of the rings today, it was pretty awesome!!! :D

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Nukey, did you get a new computer for Xmas? Because I don't think your trusty 486 can handle a flash animation like that :P

Nah, I haven't really used an actual 486 for quite some time. Since my beloved Celeron600 went kaput 2 years ago, I've used: an AMD 486 5-stepper @ 133 (i.e. 586/Pentium1 comparable), an IBM socket 8 Pentium @ 200, and currently a Gateway Pentium @ 166. I disassembled the AMD for parts and the IBM's power supply has a dead fan.

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