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Trakball games


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Trackball works the same way as paddles right? So technically, you could probably play Marble Craze with a trackball, may need an adaptor to translate the horizontal and vertical movement to the correct pins, but if they work the same way, then that game should be playable with a trackball.

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Nah, Marble Craze won't work with a trackball. Thomas determined it would be possible to convert to work with a trackball, but I don't think the game would play very well with a trackball controll (and Thomas agreed). Plus, I really like the dual-paddle control. That's part of what makes the game unique.



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I love Marble craze. I made an adaptor to put the paddles in so they sit sideways (like a real wooden maze game) and you turn the paddles, do the buttons actually do anything? I haven't even gotten around to reading the book yet, but that means it's a great game if you don't have to resort to reading instructions to be able to play.

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