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HELP! Atari 80 in one games

Rob Mitchell

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I cannot get the arcade game control working properly. The default is to use the keyboard U/D/L/R arrow keys .. but when I bring up any of the Arcade games .. such as Asteroids .. the player ship is thrusting and spinning counterclockwise. In Battlezone the tank is moving forward and to the left. Lunar Lander has no control at all. What is wrong here?


The 2600 games work just fine using the arrow keys.


Rob Mitchell, Atlanta, GA

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You'll love this. You have to configure the keyboard independently on each game. For Battlezone for instance you have to specify a left track forward, backward, and a right track forward and backward on the keyboard. There is a default and if you look at the game details prior to playing them, it will tell you about the default layout for that game, and also should give you the option on changing it.


Battlezone is especially odd to control since we are so used to a standard forward,back,left,right setup. But in that game you control 4 buttons to only move a track forward or backward, or a combo therein. Also some games for some odd reason default to mouse control. Crystal Castles was this way as I recall.

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Oh i know that Crystal Castles was a Trackball game, I used to play it all the time in the arcades. I was just surprised that all the trackball games default to mouse. In the case of Crystal Castles, it is easier to control with a keyboard vs the mouse. So I changed it over as such.


My whole point to the question being posed, was that many of the configurations in the Atari 80s collection do not follow the standard up,down,right,left arrow setup and have something else totally different. Also, I had to go into the controllers setup in Control Panel and disable my joystick. As that was always interferring as well. I tried to actually use it, but the games keep acting like it wasn't calibrated, which is crap since it is a Digital controller. Besides, it works for most of my other games...



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I had to go into the controllers setup in Control Panel and disable my joystick. As that was always interferring as well.


That is the ticket! I went into Control Panel and disabled the joystick .. and now all the Arcade games work according to default keyboard control!


Whew! :)


Rob Mitchell, Atlanta, GA

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