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My Atari collection!

the 5th ghost

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Wow. That is a really nice collection. Everything looks very well

organized & displayed. How long did it take to amass that?


Thanks for the compliments!


Originally (back in the day) my brothers and I had about 50 - 60 games. I saved most of the boxes for them mainly because I liked the artwork, especially the Activision ones. I would tape them to the wall in the gameroom :D


I ended up selling the whole lot to some lady around 1985 for 2 reasons. First, we weren't playing Atari much anymore and secondly, there was a new system out that everyone else was going nuts over, the Nintendo. I bought my Nintendo with the money I made from selling the Atari.


Time to start over!


I began collecting about 8 - 9 years ago roughly, don't remember exactly how long ago. The majority of my collection was found locally through thrift stores, flea markets, etc.


I even had many friends and co-workers just give me stuff for free. (boxed Shuttle Orbiter and H.E.R.O. box for example).


Glib, Music Machine, Boing!, Dishaster, Atari Video Cube, Tapper, Spy Hunter are just a few of the rare loose carts I found at local thrift stores. Not to mention all the various controllers.


Chase the Chuckwagon was found at a local flea market for 50 cents :D


I picked up roughly 70 excellent condition boxed games in one shot thanks to a well timed visit to a local thrift store many years ago.


Little here, little there, before I knew it I needed to buy book shelves!


I frequently try my luck at eBay to try to fill in those gaps with the rarer stuff but don't usually go overboard.


I do owe eBay to a very nice lot I picked up a few years ago that included roughly 40 excellent boxed games, a huge lot of Activision patches with letters, a boxed heavy sixer (that I still use). Two of the boxed games were the Superman with the Free wallet and the ultra rare Atlantis II with the letters from Imagic. The guy that sold this lot to me was supposed to be one of the finalists in the Defend Atlantis contest that never went through. He still seemed very disgruntled about the contest even up to the time I bought his stuff. Perhaps that's why he let the whole collection go.

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