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If you had your choice of which 2600 console model..


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All of the six switch systems will give you a better picture becuase they have more rf shielding inside. I never thought the 4 switchers had a good picture (I own both and compared them)


I would think the heavy sixers have the best picture of them all. But this is only my opinion, so don't jump all over my case. ;)

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Grew up with the Vader, but my recently acquired Heavy Sixer is by far my most favorite model aesthetically.


However, there are some design flaws with the earliest six switch systms that may rule them out for some people...keep in mind that the original sixers lack a channel select switch as most other VCS systems had. Also, the RF shielding causes some tightness in the cart slot which can cause some minor damage to your carts and labels. As for the RF shielding yielding better pictures, in my experience I have not noticed that much in the way of an improvement in the amount of interference on the screen. Your mileage may vary.

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