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Will there be another Activision Anthology?


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If they do, then they'll need to use Activision games from another system besides the 2600, since they've already done almost their entire 2600 library (excluding a handful of licensed titles). I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a new Activision Commodore 64 Anthology, myself.

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I would like to see ports of that Atari Collection pack for GBA and also PS2 or Mac. But otherwise, I would probably pass on a Commodore collection as I never played those games much as a child.


A Colecovision based disc would be cool, but I know it'll never happen.


Or maybe a collection of simulated Game&Watch/Handheld games like Nintendos G&W collection on GBA. They could actually have them 3-D rendered or something. I know, never gonna happen.

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I don't think Activision amde enough PC games to make up a huge compilation. We could have the Pitfall versions for the 800, C-64, etc all on one disk but what would be the point.


Activsion seems to be thinking of buying more classic games from defunct companies like US Games or Tigervision for a future 2600 comp. The best type of PC comp would include the Activision titles as well as classics from Sirius, Synapse, etc. A package of greatest hits from the old PC era would be incredible.

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A PC version would be good, but might be a bit "big" in terms of file size, anyway.


Activision released LOADS of games on the Commodore 64, and of course they are all relatively small file sizes, so it could be done just like the Atari 2600 pack. You could have a disk box which you would open and flick through to select your games, the TV could have a Commodore 64 boot screen and then when you choose your game it could "load", showing the original loading screen. I think that would be a superb pack.

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If they do, then they'll need to use Activision games from another system besides the 2600, since they've already done almost their entire 2600 library (excluding a handful of licensed titles). I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a new Activision Commodore 64 Anthology, myself.


Does anyone have a list of the Activision 2600 title that were not included on the Anthology remix?


I'd purchase a PC -> C64, Colecovision, and Intellivision Activision Anthology in a second even though a bunch of the same titles are already on the 2600 collection.


Speaking of Activision on Colecovison a couple of years back I purchased a copy of "Classic Gamer Colecovision Hits Volume 1" (PC) by Telegames from the folks at http://www.intellivisionlives.com Which includes several Activision Games for the Colecovision:



Pitfall 2

Keystone Kapers


River Raid



Nova Blast (Imagic)


The emulation isn't as good as cvem/adamem or MESS (depends on game) but it's not awful either..... Don't know if it's still available but it's worth picking up.





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The games that didn't quite make the AA cute were..




SONY PICTURES owns the IP on this and at the last minute at the bargaining table, they went competely bonkers on the licensing cost, They quoted me something very decent at the beginning of the project, then changed their minds at the last minute. :-/


Ghostbusters II ("Same as above.")


Yes. We down own the rights to this one as well. The code SALU generated (or Michael Buetepage.. "the programmer"), was based-off of the Atari Home Computer version. Albeit... "Very loosely though."


SALU Ltd. went bankrupt in the early 90's, and at the point in time, still owed Activision a pretty good amount of money. Money that was basically written off as a total loss, obviously. This was all for European distribution rights of course. I believe in the UK territory only.


Karate Champ


The IP owner... I forget right-off-hand, did not want to have this title a part of the collection at all. It seems as though money was not even part of the questions. They just rather not have it included at all.


Double Dragon


The IP owner again... "Wanted a HUGE amount of money".. that we just weren't willing to pay.




WAS going to be included, but at the last minute Midway' Legal Group hit a couple of snares. Sadly, this one just missed the boat.


MacPlay are KEEN to release all of these title in some-way, shape or from.. ("probably as a patch"), but it would rquire me having to change Box, Cart and Manual Art. all of which would take a considerable amount of time. Time, that I just don't have at the mo.


Maybe the Al's on this board could put together some-sort of contest for someone to re-design these packages.


I'm certain Activision WOULD NOT mind this at all.


In-Turn, we could offer some games as a reward or soemthing, to the winner.


Which reminds me, I need to send out the AA's to the various Homebrewers.



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Maybe the Al's on this board could put together some-sort of contest for someone to re-design these packages.


I'm certain Activision WOULD NOT mind this at all.


In-Turn, we could offer some games as a reward or soemthing, to the winner.


That would be pretty interesting, I'll talk to you privately about this. :)



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Karate Champ


The IP owner... I forget right-off-hand, did not want to have this title a part of the collection at all. It seems as though money was not even part of the questions. They just rather not have it included at all.


I didn't know that this was a licensed title -- is it based upon an arcade game or was it just developed by a third-party?

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Karate Champ


The IP owner... I forget right-off-hand, did not want to have this title a part of the collection at all. It seems as though money was not even part of the questions. They just rather not have it included at all.


I didn't know that this was a licensed title -- is it based upon an arcade game or was it just developed by a third-party?


Well, there certainly IS a Karate Champ arcade game - having never played the 2600 version, I can only presume it was a licensed version.

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So what where Activision's unique Comodore games? I probably played

them but all the stuff I recall playing back in those days had Atari

origins - Hero, Pitfall & Ghostbusters with that great voice bit.


The 15 pack included these...





The Little Computer People Project

The Activision Decathlon


Top Fuel Eliminator


Toy Bizarre

Zone Ranger

Rock 'n' Bolt

Park Patrol

Web Dimension

The Great American Cross-Country Road Race

Master of the Lamps

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Yeah, a collection with the C64/Coleco uniques, 5200 Pitfall II(!!!), and all, would be cool, but in addition . . .


Why not remake some of your new titles over for the classic systems . . . I'd love to see what could be done with THPS for the CV . . . Especially if it was burnable so I could conceivably play it on my DINA . . .

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Yeah, Activision distributed a lot of titles by other companies, such as Electric Dreams. Not all were classics (Explorer? :D ), but it's a great list to pick through. A collection similar to the recently released Anthology would be excellent, if any plans ever came about.

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I would be most appreciative of an Activision Anthology of all the C64 games...


I need to play Toy Bizarre, GACCRR, Master of the Lamps, Fast Tracks, and about 30 other Activision games I used to own.


I was an Activision fanboy during the C64 years...except my copy of Master of the Lamps never worked :( (not even on the 15 pack I bought for PC many years later!!)


Man I loved Toy Bizarre...

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I would be most appreciative of an Activision Anthology of all the C64 games...


I need to play Toy Bizarre, GACCRR, Master of the Lamps, Fast Tracks, and about 30 other Activision games I used to own.  


I was an Activision fanboy during the C64 years...except my copy of Master of the Lamps never worked :( (not even on the 15 pack I bought for PC many years later!!)


Man I loved Toy Bizarre...


I had an Apple //e and later an 800xl so I missed out on the Commodore experience.. Although reading all my game manuals taught me about LOAD"*",8,1 which made me think "They must suck!". But mostly I was mad that the Apple graphics and sound were so pitiful.


My only experience with C64s was through emulation. I love Park Patrol, has that VCS Activision feel.

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