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Will there be another Activision Anthology?


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My only experience with C64s was through emulation. I love Park Patrol, has that VCS Activision feel.


Yeah, "Park Patrol" was cool. Too bad it never made it's way onto the 2600. Anyone know if it was ported to any other systems?

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I would probably pass on a Commodore collection as I never played those games much as a child.

Well, Commodore was the most popular computer ever built (30 million I think?), so there's definitely a market there for a Commodore/Activision Anthology. I'm sure it would sell quite well.


As for Colecovision or Intellivision, those userbases were very small. Such a collection would flop. So maybe Activision can put those consoles on the Commodore/Activision DVD as a bonus.

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