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I never met anyone, including my gamer friends who would call it a VCS. Most people probably outside of the diehard classic gaming area even know what a VCS is. 2600 is the way to go..but I guess there could be some confusion between that and the 2600 hacker zine.


What annoys me are people who call control pads and joysticks as "handles". Even in these modern times.

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In Michigan, where I grew up, everyone just referred to it as "the Atari." VCS was second, and only around 82-83, did we start to refer to it as the 2600.


It took the 5200's release to get me to start calling it a 2600.



Growing up with the Sears Telegames Video Arcade .. We never called it anything other than the Atari. Even when calling the Sears sporting goods department, I would ask for new games for the Atari.


I only knew of the Atari Video Computer System (VCS) from the cart catalogs in the late 1970s.


The Atari 800 computer was the Atari computer. etc.


I never even heard of the Atari 2600 until I typed Atari into a search engine in early 1997.


Rob Mitchell, Atlanta, GA

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It was always just "Atari" growing up, like "you have an Atari - that's so cool" and "man I wish I had my own Atari." Until the home computers came out I never differentiated the VCS from anything else, and even then probably recoginzed "Atari" as "2600" only because VCS was a little too much like VCR, and they were coming into prominence in the mid-80's. Hey, maybe THAT is the real reason people still refer to Atari carts as "tapes" on eBay and at garage sales. :D

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2600 is the way to go..but I guess there could be some confusion between that and the 2600 hacker zine.

Why do the hackers use "2600" for their title?



I call it "the Atari" or "Original Atari". I wish Atari had not used numbers for their system, but instead just named them like GameCube, Playstation, et cetera.

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I mostly call it "the Atari". Just what I called it growing up.

I think it depends though. Like here, I would type out 2600, and probably not even mention the word Atari. Because if you just mention Atari here, that would be way to vague.

I don't think I've ever called the 2600 model a VCS though in general terms...doesn't seem to carry any personality.

Oddly, I still call the all black 2600 a "Vader" wether I'm talking or typing.

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What annoys me are people who call control pads and joysticks as "handles". Even in these modern times.


First, I think I like 2600 the best. Now about the above quote, I always hated it when someone said "Atari tape" instead of "Atari cartridge." Later on when I worked at Toys R Us, people came in looking for "intendo tapes." I wanted to smack them in the head and say, "it's 'Nintendo' not 'intendo' and it's 'cartridge' not 'tape' you stupid, nose-picking, inbred, butt-sniffing, cousin humping hillbilly!"

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Why do the hackers use "2600" for their title?

It's completely unrelated. Look up some stories about "Captain Crunch" and the legendary 2600 cycle tone of the cereal box whistle.


Even as a kid I got mad when people said "tapes." I get the same way when people refer to a 3.5 floppy as a "hard disk."


Of course you gotta say 2600 around here because we know there are dozens of Atari systems. Just about everyone over the age of 20 knows what a VCS is but almost no one realized Atari ever made another system.

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Everyone did indeed call the 2600 just "the Atari" while Intellivisions were never called "the Mattel"


I notice today that Nintendo's systems are often called "the Nintendo" while no one ever calles their Playstation "the Sony."


No, but working in retail, I often hear not only the PSX/PS2, but also the X-Box and GC, generically referred to as "Playstations", so it is at least headed in the direction of becoming as much a part of the culture as the 2600 and NES. . .


Now if only the majority of the games on it didn't suck. :)

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