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Happy 1 Year Anniversary!!


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( I posted this in off topic, but wanted to post here in 2600, incase there are people who never look in off topic, I know sometimes I dont look in off topic for weeks at a time, so thats why I am posting here also, cool? )



I found and joined Atari Age 1 year ago today, after searching through 100's of web sites looking for a family of Atari fans and collectors, I stumbled upon this site.

After joining AA and not having a clue about Atari, gaming or collecting anything at all, having only a playstation 1 with a couple of games that havent been played but a handfull of times, I bought my first Atari 2600 and couple of games allmost 1 year ago. That started my Atari and now other game systems and games collecting frenzy, which now consist of 60 different game systems and over 2000 games for them all.

I said all that to say this; thank you Albert, Alex and all Atari Age members for being a great, helpful, "funny", informative and knowledgable bunch of folks! I have really enjoyed being apart of AA this year and look forward to many more years of gaming, collecting and Holy Grail hunting with all of you. :) :D


"Man I hope this isnt as cheezy as it sounds to me, cause It is meant to be sincere!!" :roll: :ponder:

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