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Double Dragon difficulty

Adrian M

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How in the name of Christ do you succeed in the 2600 version of Double Dragon?!?!?


It seems as if the enemies are drawn to your character as if you possessed some sort of enemy magnet! They home right in and beat you senseless, knocking you down, and immediately pummelling you the instant you get up!


Yes, I've figured out the various moves (kicks, etc) via the joystick combinations, but my god, is there any way to make this game any less difficult? Keep in mind that I can easily "1-credit" the arcade and NES versions, but the VCS edition is something else! :x

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How in the name of Christ do you succeed in the 2600 version of Double Dragon?!?!?


It seems as if the enemies are drawn to your character as if you possessed some sort of enemy magnet!  They home right in and beat you senseless, knocking you down, and immediately pummelling you the instant you get up!  


Yes, I've figured out the various moves (kicks, etc) via the joystick combinations, but my god, is there any way to make this game any less difficult?  Keep in mind that I can easily "1-credit" the arcade and NES versions, but the VCS edition is something else!   :x


D.Yancey Defeated Double Dragon. Don't ask me how he did it, though.

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I have the utmost respect for those who have the skill and patience to finish this.

So it appears that the key to victory is the proper placement and timing of your character....maybe this will motivate me to try again. It is nice to see how the backgrounds remain somewhat faithful to the coin-op version (according the map that D.Yancey posts on his site).

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My map is also still out there. I beat the game about a year or so ago. It took me a few weeks to get through it. The key is patience. If you try to go blow-for-blow, you will get killed. The best way to defeat the enemies is one at a time. I usually start at the bottom left corner and wait for them to come to me. I then throw a punch and back off, wait for them to come again and repeat. Once I beat everyone on the bottom row, the top is really easy. You just kick them as you move diagonally down.



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I have this game and tried it on numerous occasions, The farthest I ever got was to the 5th or 6th screen. The first big guy that throws stuff at you.


My favorite move of the game is the backwards elbow. I can kill enemies pretty quick without getting hit with the elbow. I am pretty sure that you need to work together some kind of combo if the game is to be beaten.

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Yeah, like Stan JR. and BCPRS1 said; You're kind of "locked in" on the bottom row until that 1st guy has been defeated on each screen. Don't try to move into the "higher latitudes" of the screen or you will be pummeled from all angles! Once you PATIENTLY defeat this guy on the bottom row, it's off to the races. Be warned that in one or two spots another guy will appear on the bottom row and this second guy must be defeated before resuming normal tactics of play. The timer becomes a factor in clearing mission 3 for me. I'm glad to see yet another in appreciation of the great game of Double Dragon on the 2600! Good luck to all and share your progress with us. :)

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