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Never thought I would see that over there...


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I was at EB games, looking through the NES games, when something caught my eye: a couple 2600 games :!: I knew how it got there, (used to be a different store that sold 2600 games and stock was probably sold to EBX as well) but I was surprised that they were still there, considering they became EBX at least 2 years ago. Just thought I would say it as it was a kinda fun story IMO.


BTW, the games were both asteroids in case you were wondering.

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When the EB GAMES near me first opened, they had a box full of 2600 carts. Unfortunately it was a very temporary thing and they haven't carried then since. I asked one of the managers about it recently and when he looked them up on his system it showed the trade in value as $0.00. I guess that helps to explain why they don't get many in anymore! :roll:

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Hey spongebue, which EB Games was it?


I just hit the EB Games downtown yesterday, and FINALLY found a copy of Midway Arcade Treasures for GameCube.  Everywhere else I have been is either sold out or never even heard of it.




City Center, behind the NES games

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You never know who will have atari games! A pawn shop two towns away from me always has atari games they seem to get a new lot atleast once a month. They have a big flashing shign outside the store that says we buy and sell video games of all kind. Most of the time i get the games from $2.50 to $3.00 my wife got me a few nice atari games from there for christmas.

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Ever since it was announced GameStop would be getting rid of all their pre-PS1 games only to have my local store just about double their inventory in the months that followed, I've decided not to be surprised about what they and EB do. I think they're all franchises anyway.


That said, the only way I can describe the reaction of the Gamestop guys when I brought in an AtariAge 2600 cart to demonstrate that new Atari carts were still being made (and this particular one with my name on it, even) would be "mystified". I think they may have been born after the release of the NES ;)

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