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Star Wars: Death Star Battle

Mister VCS

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Anybody out here who likes this game? The german video game magazine

Telematch (German-sister-mag of Electronic Games) rated the game "1"

(A in the US). The reviewer Hartmut Huff, who wasn´t a fan of shooters,

was delighted! For example, he rated Stargate "4" (C-).

This morning i tried this game after a long time- very frustrating and definetely not a top-title for the VCS!

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I have been playing this title quite a bit lately trying to get a handle on it. I don't think I would give it an A mainly for the reason that there is no clear indication how far down your ship can move. I lose lots of ships because I try to fly downward out of the way only to bump into the invisible barrier at the bottom.




- Don't play with the mode where collisions with purple ships cause you to die. That's impossible because they move too fast.


- Get past the shield as soon as possilble, and spend as much time as you can up by the Death Star:


- Each block of the death star is 20 points.

- The more blocks you destroy the longer the DS takes to explode earning you more points (If you survive.)

- There is no shield to bump into and die.


- There are a number of audio cues in the game. Listen closely. When you hear certain noises it means events are about to happen.


- The Green ships are where the big points are. Don't attack them head on! Your shot will pass through and you will crash.


- Stay to the center of the screen to avoid getting whacked by ships entering the screen edge. Just dodge the DS shots and keep shooting the DS blocks to rack up points.


- Keep moving! Enemies seem to shoot less often.


- When you blow the DS, be sure you are ready to get out of the way. Hide on the bottom left or right, but not in the center or corners! Only a few slower fireballs will enter those 2 areas be ready to run to the other area when one comes your way.



I always break 20000 pts using these tips and I have gotten over 30000 a couple times. Don't blow the 1st DS until you have at least 10000.


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yeah, Death Star Battle is great and totally addictive once you learn how to play it. I sometimes get on a roll and play it for hours. So keep working at it, there is fun to be had.


The points are in the green shuttles. When you hear its warning sound, get ready to move and shoot!



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