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WTF?!?!? ok.. just a minor rant :)


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I have a classic 4 (hey.. even the mass produced systems need a cute name :D ), and I have been thinking about getting a classic 6 or heavy six for awhile so .... ebay I a go..


I guess if that is what people pay... good for the sellers.. but why is it that these suckers are going for $35+ (for a heavy six.. I am seeing $70+)..


GRRRRRR.. Just a minor rant and bitch :x


Okie... back to gaming :)

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Well, the prices on ePay for 2600's in general are usally way to much. You will see this from the people that sell them quite often. Its the average joe 'I found this in my attic' kind of person/auction you need to look out for. Just wait, you will find one. Plus, you can get one from someone on here easily.

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why is it that these suckers are going for $35+  :)


The more I read messages like this, the more I think you guys must be incredibly poor. Seriously. You probably spend around $1000 a month on rent, mortgage, food, heat, phone, internet, gas for the car, insurance for the car, et cetera. ~$1000 a month. ~$12,000 a year. You can't afford a measly $35 for an Atari???

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why is it that these suckers are going for $35+  :)


The more I read messages like this, the more I think you guys must be incredibly poor. Seriously. You probably spend around $1000 a month on rent, mortgage, food, heat, phone, internet, gas for the car, insurance for the car, et cetera. ~$1000 a month. ~$12,000 a year. You can't afford a measly $35 for an Atari???


I don't think many of us Atari collectors truly are poor...many of us just know the value of a dollar and how to stretch it to the max when it comes to buying our games. I mean, look at some people's collections and you'll see that many are worth thousands of dollars.


What I've noticed over the years since I got back into Atari collecting is that many 2600 collectors often take a frugal approach to acquiring the majority of their collections, and I find this refreshing and fun.

Keep in mind that Atari products are old and collectors are often unwilling to spend more than they have to. Check the Marketplace forum and you'll see that more often than not, trading and low prices are what garner the most deals.


This is vastly different community and mindset than something like you'd find on www.neo-geo.com where shelling out huge money on games (new and old) is an expected norm (which I find ridiculous, to say the least)...check the selling forums there. Bottom line is, these are GAMES, not necessities.

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why is it that these suckers are going for $35+  :)


The more I read messages like this, the more I think you guys must be incredibly poor. Seriously. You probably spend around $1000 a month on rent, mortgage, food, heat, phone, internet, gas for the car, insurance for the car, et cetera. ~$1000 a month. ~$12,000 a year. You can't afford a measly $35 for an Atari???


Why do you pay rent AND mortgage :? :P

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I am patient.. it was just a little rant..


and as far as being poor or "cheap".. well.. you nailed me dude :).. I have a wife, house, car, dog, cat, and other habits to support as well. And who wants to flush $40 down the toilet on a broken system (these are a touch old ya know..).. :D


I have ebayed 4 systems.. I have one working one :).. the three duds were just that.. and ya know what? at 15-25 bucks a piece.. that sucks!! a nice fellow atarian took those off my hands for like $3 each (and shipping).. so it wasnt a total loss...

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Well, the prices on ePay for 2600's in general are usally way to much. You will see this from the people that sell them quite often. Its the average joe 'I found this in my attic' kind of person/auction you need to look out for. Just wait, you will find one. Plus, you can get one from someone on here easily.

Also, the prices on eBay have been significantly inflated over the past couple of months due to Christmas. I expect the prices will be back down into the reasonable range within 2 or 3 weeks.


I have purchased several consoles on eBay for very reasonable prices.

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It's those original Heavy Sixers made in Sunnyvale, CA that you'll pay $75-100 for.


Guess I got lucky when I only paid $40 for mine! :D

Genuine Sunnyvale sixer with 2 joysticks and a game! What a deal!! ;)


My Sears heavy sixer was a gift from a friend who was moving. :D


Didn't pay anything for it.

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It's those original Heavy Sixers made in Sunnyvale, CA that you'll pay $75-100 for.


Guess I got lucky when I only paid $40 for mine! :D

Genuine Sunnyvale sixer with 2 joysticks and a game! What a deal!! ;)


My Sears heavy sixer was a gift from a friend who was moving. :D


Didn't pay anything for it.


Must be a Vermont thing. :D I got a boxed Sears Heavy Sixer (didn't realize it was a heavy sixer until I got it home) from that guy in Burlington. Forgot what I paid but it wasn't much. I think he threw it in with a crate full of games for like $75.


Never seen any other Sears H-Sixers.

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I might have a heavy six. I might have an original "purchased from Atari store" box. I'll have to check. I might have sold it to Curt at the museum.


In case anyone wants to know... I'm the original writer to the 2600 FAQ (then called CAGSFAQ). I also did the officially unofficial Jag ftp site back in..oh.. 93? Because of the faq... I have/had a lot of 2600 console variations.



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