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CyberTech S-Video Card installation


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Hello all,


I just received the CyberTech S-Video Card from Atari 2600 today and I plan on installing it tonight in a 4-switch model (can't wait!!)...


Anyway, I had a few questions that I was hoping someone could answer:


- the mod is for s-video. I have s-video on one TV, but only composite on the other. What is the best solution to be able to connect to both?


- the cords supplied with the mod seem pretty short. I'm not against drilling holes in the case for jacks - has anyone done this?


My ultimate solution would be to have 4 jacks on the back of the Atari: one for s-video, one for composite, and the two for l/r audio. Is there a proper way to "tie" the 4 leads of the s-video together to produce a proper composite signal? If so, is it "safe" to have both s-video and composite hook ups simultaneously?


Thanks for any help!!

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Something like this should work:



Yes, but shop around. The adapters should be less than $5. I've heard reports of ~ $3.


or I think you could make your own like this (I could be wrong though):



Yes, but instead of pin 2, get the ground from pin 1.


You should be able to replace the 470 pF cap with a wire, but my lab is temporarily dismanted due to moving, so I can't verify that. And John, this is true only if you still have the 330pF cap on the video card itself. ;)


Another solution is to use a good quality switchbox that supports s-video. One of those sold for use with Sony, Nintendo, and "other video gaming systems". ;) The better ones will do the conversion for you. If you already have one, that's the way to go. If not, they're around $20. Kinda steep for my taste. But if you gotta have it, you gotta have it! :)


John, the cable supplied with the CyberTech Video Card should have been female. All 3 of them should. The intent was to allow standard a/v cables to connect directly to what's provided. Please check carefully. Also, the cable pigtail was chosen over jacks for many reasons: cost, ease of installation for users, mechanical fit, no plastic case modification, etc, etc. Jacks are still being considered for the next revision, but it's a long shot. :)



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