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a few cheap games


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the pricing in that store is good yet some things confuse me.. a loose neo geo pocket color cart for Match of the Millenium is 20 bucks.. shining force 3 on the saturn is 110 bucks.. and all the atari games are a dollar each :P


I have a store near me with weird pricing like that. I got Q*bert's Qubes and Evolution for the CV for $8 but Pitfall for the VCS is $9.99. The pricing on the Atari carts is all over the place actually. I got some less common stuff for like $3 a piece but many commons are $5.99 and higher. Their NES carts are even worse. Stuff like Track and Field is over $10! I don't buy that much from them because of the crappy pricing.

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Yeah, I agree, that was an excellent deal you got liquid_sky. For that price I probably would have picked them up for tradebait if nothing else.



I got some less common stuff for like $3 a piece but many commons are $5.99 and higher.


Yeah, you gotta love the guys that put $10 on Pac-Man just because they've heard of it and then price something much more desirable really low. :)

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