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Activision Anthology Remix Commercial Question?


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I've been trying to run the Activision Commericials included in the Anthology Remix without running the main program. The files are located in the /vis directory and all have a .cm extension. I tried renaming them to .avi, .mpg, .rm and .mov and they did not work. The closest was .avi that did produce sound (through Media Player 9). I believe that a codec is needed but I have no idea which one to search around for..........


Anyone have any idea???





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be a man and unlock them :P


I have "unlocked" most of them. However my goal is to archive them in a "viewable" format on my hard drive with all my other Vintage commercials. Also, I wanted to create some VCD's (or DVD when I have a burner) to view the commercials on my TV then file them with my DVD's. None of this is possible unless I can read them without the main program. That's why I posed the question on how to read them without running Anthology or what codec to find......



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