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Survey: First Atari, first game, best Game ever


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Timex Sinclair 1000...   , I can't imagine that the accuracy or the word count was very high,  typing on that thing.




Typing on that thing was a nightmare, I was somewhat familiar with BASIC programming and thus wanted a computer of my own. I got this from a relative for like $100, and thought is was cool... at first! Most of the BASIC commands are pre-entered commands that you need to type with a SHIFT-combination, it was very slow -like 5 minutes to LIST a program of 50 lines of code. It was a hassle to type out a 'guess my number' game with it.


Compared to the Atari computer it was an absolute joke!


Also, we were using C64's at school and I always told the teachers how much better and easier to code the Atari's were :D

I used to bring issues of Compute! magazines to school and type in the C64 games from them, then type the Atari versions at home.

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Thanks for the reply! I figured that those TS 1000s had to be awful...


Your school had C-64s? That's actually kinda cool. Ours had TRS-80, and eventually Apple IIc machines. (of course, eventually eventually IBMs...) so the game playing (when the teachers weren't watchin) wasn't nearly as fun.


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My first computer was an Atari 400 in 1981 or early '82.


My first game was Atari Basketball. I loved the fact that we could play 4 players on this sucker.


I retired the 400 in '83 when I got an 800xl for Christmas with the 1010 cassette drive.


My favorite game by far was Ultima III. My brother and I bought it together when we "figured out" that we were getting the 1050 Disk Drive for Christmas. We had the game weeks before Christmas in hopes that our box measurements were correct. Thankfully they were!


I also enjoyed MicroLeague Baseball quite a bit. We made a team of all of our friends and kept stats with the compiler disk. We would play as many as we could and simulate the rest. Pure genius.



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Now a little survey:


1. What was your first Atari (or any other computer) and when did you get it?


2. What was your first game?


3. And the best game you ever played on the Atari?


My answers:


1. Atari 800 XL, back in '85, I believe....


2. Rescue on Fractalus


3. Rescue on Fractalus ;)


1. Nintendo Entertainment System.. When i was 4 years old.


2. Super Mario Bros with duck hunt in one


3. Atari 2600: battlezone Atari 800XE: Gato, BallBlazer. Atari Jaguar: Wolfenstein 3D

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