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Woo Hoo! Another Inky Score!


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Just went to purchase a set of paddles for my 7800 and 600 XL at the local used game store, and I also picked up the following:



Frankenstien's Monster

Fast Food

MOuntain king...


For 10 bucks! (The paddles were an additional $10)!


Woo hoo! They also repair old game systems, so I'll be bringing my 5200 in.


They also carry SMS, 5200, 7800, Intellivision, Dreamcast, NES, Genesis, SNES, and all modern consoles, as well as PC games.


The also had a couple of Tandy CoCo 1000's, and a couple Stunt Cycle consoles.

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Nice snag Inky. I've been hoping to find Frankenstein's Monster myself ever since Stan made such a glowing post about it. I too would love to have a store like that near me. There are a few that carry 2600 games but they usually never have anything (when I go) except bottom of the barrel commons.

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You are so lucky to have a store like that near you; I have yet to find one in Houston that has anything older than NES.


Hey wow, another person in Houston! :)


Have you ever been to Trader's Village? There used to be a guy there that would sell old computer monitors and games, but that was a LOOOONG time ago, I have no idea if he's still there or not.


Other than that, yeah, ever since I got back into the Atari thing a little over a year ago, I scoured a lot of places to nothing yet...it's too bad all of those .99 stores that have popped up all over the place only sell new stuff (mostly), rather than old games, as it seemed like a natural haven for that kind of thing to me! And there have been some nice new Salvation Army stores that have opened as well, but I've yet to see any games, only a few computers and joysticks, and that's been it so far. Oh well, maybe some day...

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