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Just got my order with a Christmas Cart!!


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Woohoo, I've been waiting to see chronocolor interleaving being done on a real console forever. Sure, there's the Z26 emus, but it would be easy enough to sneak in some extra code to make it do something the atari Can't do I'd imagine...so, though it was an awesome thought I never 100% believed it.


Well, I'm a true Believer now. The technique is absolutely awesome to see in action, and even more so on a real machine. I see someone had some extra bits left over to flip the picture even. That's just so cool. Maybe sometime we'll see a game use it? Or a cart use it as a title now? Even if it's never used again, it's awesome to see that it is possible on a real unmodified system.


BTW, I got cart #85. These things are selling...er...giving a away really well. Most homebrews don't do that well do they? Anyhow, mad props, and special thanks, to all that had a hand in this carts realization. :D


Now, I got some games that are awesome also.



This is a neat puzzle game. Anybody that's fond of 'take your time thinkers' will really love this, and should really pick it up (if you haven't already) Basically, you got a parking lot full of cars. You gotta get one particular one out of the parking lot. To do that, you move the rest of the cars around. Thing is, you'r supposed to do it in a certain number of moves. It's really a fun game for people that have the patience for these types of puzzlers.


Warring Worms.

I didn't even know this one was still available. I looked for it in 2001 (I think) whenever it first come out, but I couldn't find any, and hadn't discovered Atari age at the time. Well, I finely got a copy. This is kind of like...well..Uh...You know the game where your a worm, or a snake, and og around eating the dots to grow longer? It plays kinda like that. Only your permanantly attached to the wall and keep stretching all over the place till one of you crashes. Awesome multiplayer game. It's even got a decent AI on it. Oh, and you got guns to shoot out sections of each other and randomly appearing playfield pieces. A unique game sorta based off an older concept that was awesome to begin with. Check it out.


Marble Craze.

Remember Marble Madness? This is that, kinda. You use paddles to tilt the playfield around and that mkes your ball roll around. The object? Simply to get from the begining to the end in as short of time as possible. This game is based off the old wooden ball in maze puzzles you see in a way. It's a fun fast game. Yeah, the soundtrack rocks too. Hope to see more homebrews sport soundtracks, you'll have to see/hear this one in action to really appreaciate it. It has a two player mode if you got two sets of working paddles, or know how to clean them. I've personally built my own controller caddy to hold the paddles together so you get the knob feel of the old wooden games. This one won't dissappoint any action gamers. There's no shooting, but it's fast paced fun none the less.


Thanks to all the people that had a hand in making all these carts. They're all great and should bring enjoyment for years to come. Yay, I'm up to 9 carts now :D Thanks a lot!

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Woohoo, I've been waiting to see chronocolor interleaving being done on a real console forever.  


What's that?


Well Andrew actually calls it Interleaved ChronoColour, but it's the programming technique(is that the right word?) that he uses on the Holiday Greeting Cart and in all of the amazing demos he's shown. Do a search on 'dancing baby' and you'l see all the threads abut it.

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BTW, I got cart #85.  These things are selling...er...giving a away really well.  Most homebrews don't do that well do they?  


Generally not in such a short period of time. People apparently like free stuff. ;) Glad you're enjoy the GreetingCart and the games that came along with it. :D



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Yeah, Interleaved ChronoColour...I just always flipped the words for some reason, maybe Chronocolor interleave was easier for me to remember or something?


But yeah, it's a technique to fake 8 colors on a scanline. It makes for some nice photos, but untill christmas cart has not been produced for a real console (that I'm aware of)


Thanks Albert, I'm sure enjoying the games a lot. Is there a way to just listen to the music on Marble Craze without playing the game? The music is awesome, but I don't think I've managed to hear all of them yet.

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Thanks Albert, I'm sure enjoying the games a lot.  Is there a way to just listen to the music on Marble Craze without playing the game?  The music is awesome, but I don't think I've managed to hear all of them yet.


I don't believe there's a way to hear all the songs without playing through the game, although you can hear four of them by starting at level 1, 5, 10 and 15. :) I do not remember how many unique songs there are in total.



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Woohoo, I've been waiting to see chronocolor interleaving being done on a real console forever.  Sure, there's the Z26 emus, but it would be easy enough to sneak in some extra code to make it do something the atari Can't do I'd imagine...so, though it was an awesome thought I never 100% believed it.


Well, I'm a true Believer now.  The technique is absolutely awesome to see in action, and even more so on a real machine.  I see someone had some extra bits left over to flip the picture even.  That's just so cool.  Maybe sometime we'll see a game use it?  Or a cart use it as a title now?  Even if it's never used again, it's awesome to see that it is possible on a real unmodified system.



The irony is that I've never seen it working on the real thing :)

The GreetingCarts flip the image based on the position of one of the difficulty switches.




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The irony is that I've never seen it working on the real thing :)


That should change soon! :)





Thanks Al, it arrived last week. I just haven't got a genuine '2600 system hooked up, so I *still* haven't seen it in action. Besides, it won't be quite as impressive on PAL systems as it will be on NTSC.

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Thanks Al, it arrived last week.  I just haven't got a genuine '2600 system hooked up, so I *still* haven't seen it in action.  Besides, it won't be quite as impressive on PAL systems as it will be on NTSC.


Ahhh, well then. Not much I can do about that. You can always move to a country that uses the NTSC standard! :)



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Besides, it won't be quite as impressive on PAL systems as it will be on NTSC.


Whyever not? Does the PAL version have a reduced colour pallette or something?


PAL displays a complete image at 50/3 Hz (just under 17Hz).

NTSC displays a complete image at 60/3 Hz (exactly 20Hz).


The PAL version theoretically would display at a slower overall FPS rate (17 vs 20), but at a higher actual refresh rate (60Hz vs 50Hz). Mmh.... six of one, half a dozen of the other.

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