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Rca jack for the 2600


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Ok so I decided I want to throw away my old switch box and mod my 2600 to use the jacks and have a better picture quality.


I have looked on the internet for instuctions on how to do this and nobody has actuall pictures of the project and I work best when I can visually see what has to be done...Can anybody recomend a really good site that will help me or does anybody here have pictures of the process that they are willing to share with me. Thanks guys :)

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thanks atari boy But I want to make a permanent mod for the atari... On that site you showed the guy doesnt really say how to do it :(  But thanks for trying to help. im going to browse the net for awhile and see what I can come up with ;)


I didn't say it did, I told you to look at it and decide, now I'll decide for you and tell you to do this mod because it's the easiest. :P



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Is this what he wants?




If so you just plug it in...


I hope you guys don't pay this much for these things. If you look hard enough you can find the silver ones for .48 CENTS each. The gold ones aren't too much more, but are harder to find bulk. The best place to find the RCA female to F Male is www.froogle.com

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im sorry cpu I guess im a bad appentice :(  i look at the words and nothing registers...I thought It would be fun and easy like the 72 pin connector for my nes.... I guess I was wrong  :sad:


Why don't you try the easy way with an RCA to F-Jack convertor? As described here.



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Look I did it...Kinda :| But the picture on the television is crystal clear! :D


This will work for the time being until I aquire a 22 ohm resistor and two 1-k potentiometers...I have no idea what the hell these are or what they even look like... Does anybody have any picks of them and know where I can purchase them from? When I get them I can start crackin on the soldering iron


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Here are the radio shack cat. numbers


Resistor (5 for $.99): 271-1103

pots ($1.19 each): 271-280

circuit board (not required, but nice to use $1.69):276-148


CPUWIZ has a nice circuit board for that mod, but I dunno how much he wants for it or even if he has any left.


How did you do it with a perfect picture and stuff if you don't have the parts?

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I was wondering about modifying my 2600 Jr http://www.atariage.com/howto/composite.html to have A/V RCA jacks, but I have some questions:


If I am reasonably good at soldering, what is the % chance of completely killing the 2600 jr?

If I am successful, what is the % change that it will kill the video device I hook it up to? (I kinda want to hook up to car tv and CAN NOT let it destroy it. :x

Does the tv signal work after putting the wires in?

Can I remove the wires and it will work like it use to?

On other 2600’s the mod has a a-lot of components but the jr just connect about 4 wires and it works, does this work very well/clearly?

Is it worth it?

Is it 2600 jr mod better then the 2600 mods?


The resister that they talk about in the mode is in a different place on my board, is this right?


thanks for the help :)

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wow thanks spongebue...If you have any pictures that youve taken of you doing the mod it would really really help me out  :)


I didn't take any pictures when doing the video mod, and the ones you saw for the stereo mod were all I took, but if you ever have any troubles, I am glad to help.

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